Nederlands Veilinghuis gespecialiseerd in boeken, prenten, strips en curiosa
AUCTION 33 | 16 - 20 June 2025 OPEN VOOR INBRENG |
AUCTION 33 16 - 20 June 2025 Open voor inbreng
Highlights Auction 32, THREE catalogues: part I (session1 - 3), II (4) and III (5): • A selection of 15th to 17th century books including manuscripts, incunables, Blaeu’s Toonneel der steden van de Vereenighde Nederlanden (1652) and De Laet, Beschrijvinghe van West-Indien (1630) • An exquisite Marten Toonder comic collection • Fine arts: M.C. Escher, Rembrandt, Wendingen (complete set) and a Glass special
Special I - Photography: • Prints, books and ephemara. Including vintage prints by Walker Evans, Weegee, Sanne Sannes, Ed van der Elsken, René Burri, Dana Lixenberg and many more. • Stunning 19th cent. Travel and Ethnographic photo albums incl. Australia, Asia and the Middle East
Special II - Artists’ Books, Editions and Ephemera: • Including works by herman de vries, stanley brouwn, John Baldessari and a signed interview by John Lennon and Yoko Ono. Absentee bidding has started! Click on the RED button at the bottom of this page or click on UPCOMING AUCTION in the red directory.
LIVE bidding - Invaluable
Absentee bidding
LIVE bidding - Drouot