Purchased items can be collected from between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. on Thursday 4 until Saturday 6 December at De Burcht. We work by appointment only (06-57643261/ zwiggelaarauctions@gmail.com).
Some highlights
Atlases with Nautical atlas by Goos 1662, Blaeu China atlas 1656, Tirion Nieuwe en Beknopte atlas 1744 and Guiccardini 1613 and 1660
Asian arts: a private collection of five generations including Manjushri, zushi travel altars, celadon ceramics
Gouaches by Max Kaus and Georges de Pogedaieff
Two sublime bellows from the 16th and early 17th century
Sports. Wim van Eyle cycle sports archive with thousands of picture postcards dated from 1900 onwards, most with signature.
Manuscript cookbooks, recipe books and a collection of menus
The second part of the chess library of two chess fans
Art deco drawings by Jaap van Dam
Part three of a Geïllustreerde Pers/ De Brug-Djambatan (press) photo archive