
230-296 Chess: Lots 230 - 296

Auction 4
SOLD €60,00
LOT 230
€0,00 - €100,00
Internationales Schachturnier zu San Sebastian 1911 and 1912. total 2.

This item contains no English description. See the Dutch description: Int.Schachturnier zu San Sebastian 1911. J. Mieses und Dr. M. Lewitt. Wedekind. Berlin. 1911 and Zweites...

Auction 4
LOT 231
€0,00 - €100,00
Zoom 001. Bent Larsen and Steffen Zeuthen. Copenhagen. 1979

Zoom 001. Zero hour for operative opening models. Bent Larsen & Steffen Zeuthen. Dansk Skakforlag. Copenhagen. 1979

Auction 4
SOLD €50,00
LOT 233
€0,00 - €100,00
Running the Gauntlet. Alain C. White. Stroud. The Chess Amareur.1911

Running the Gauntlet. A study of the capture of pawns en passant in chess problems. Stroud. The Chess Amateur. 1911

Auction 4
LOT 234
€0,00 - €150,00
All Change Here! Williams and Gevers. Stroud. The Chess Amateur. 1919

All Change Here! A treatise on the Change-Mate Two-Mover together with A Collection of 325 Examples. Philip H. Williams and Raymond Gevers. The Chess Amateur. Stroud. 1919

Auction 4
LOT 235
€0,00 - €150,00
300 Chess Problems. C.S. Kipping. The Chess Amateur. Stroud. 1916

300 Chess Problems by C.S. Kipping. The Chess Amateur. Stroud. 1916

Auction 4
LOT 236
€0,00 - €50,00
Shady Side. John S. Hilbert. Caissa Ed. Yorklyn USA. 2000

Shady Side: The lives and crimes of Norman Tweed Whitaker, chessmaster. John S. Hilbert. Caissa Ed. Dale A. Brandreth Books. Yorklyn. DE. USA. 2000

Auction 4
SOLD €30,00
LOT 237
€0,00 - €70,00
Die Franzoesische Partie. Albert Heyde. Braunschweig. 1891 and one other.

Die Franzoesische Partie. Auf Grundlage der neuesten Forschungen... Albert Heyde. Braunschweig. 1891. Verlag Oskar Loebbecke. and l-Ouverture Francaise. Coll. de Monogr. sur la...

Auction 4
SOLD €75,00
LOT 238
€0,00 - €150,00
300 Fins de Partie. H. Rinck. Barcelone. Hijos de Paluzie. 1919

300 Fins de Partie. (3eme ed.) par Henri Rinck. Barcelone. Hijos de Paluzie. 1919

Auction 4
SOLD €35,00
LOT 239
€0,00 - €70,00
Fern vom Alltag. Leo Loewy. Kagan. Berlin [1925]

Fern vom Alltag. Hundert Aussichten im Schachpanorama. Gesammelt von Leo Loewy. Bernhard Kagan. Berlin [1925]

Auction 4
LOT 240
€0,00 - €70,00
Das schwarze Schnittpunktgefuege. A. Klinke. Verl. Deutschen Arbeiter-Schach-Bundes. [Chemnitz] 1924

Das schwarze Schnittpunktgefuege. Ein Leitfaden durch das Labyrinth einer der wichtigsten Problemarten. A. Klinke. Verlag des Deutschen Arbeiter-Schach-Bundes. [Chemnitz] 1924.

Auction 4
SOLD €120,00
LOT 241
€0,00 - €100,00
The Two-Move Chess Problem in the Soviet Union. Buschke, Cheney, White. Overbrook Press. Stamford. Conn. 1943

The Two-Move Chess Problem in the Soviet Union 1923 - 1943. Albrecht Buschke, Richard Cheney, Alain White. Overbrook Press. Stamford Connecticut. 1943.

Auction 4
SOLD €50,00
LOT 242
€0,00 - €70,00
Chesslets. Dr. J. Schumer. Printing Craft Ltd. Holborn [London] 1928

Chesslets. Being a miscellaneous collection of contributions to Chess and Chess Literature extending over many years by Dr. J. Schumer. Printing-Craft Ltd. Holborn. 1928.

Auction 4
SOLD €30,00
LOT 243
€0,00 - €70,00
Probleme, Stdien und Partien. J. Berger. Veit & Comp.Leipzig. 1914

Probleme Stdien und Partien von J. Berger 1862 - 1912. Leipzig. Veit & Comp. 1914. 50 years of Studies, problems and games from J. Berger, from 1862 till 1912.

Auction 4
SOLD €30,00
LOT 244
€0,00 - €70,00
A sakkföladvány-költészet müszabályai és Schuster Zsigmond sakkföladványai. Az Athenaeum Irodalmi. Budapest. 1908

The rules of chess problem poetry and the chess problems of Zsigmond Schuster [Based on: Ceské úlohy sachove / Josef Pospisil]. Budapest. 1908

Auction 4
SOLD €30,00
LOT 245
€0,00 - €70,00
Das Schachproblem als Kunstwerk. Walther Horwitz. Europ. Verlag. Wien. 1957 and 2 others.

Das Schachproblem als Kunstwerk. Walther Horwitz. Europ. Verlag. Wien. 1957 together with: Zo sprak Wolfgang Pauly, Dr. M. Niemeijer, Wassenaar. 1948 and Probleemcomponisten IX....

Auction 4
SOLD €180,00
LOT 246
€0,00 - €150,00
Magazine: Jaarboek van de Nederlandse Bond van Probleemvrienden 38 vols.

Jaarboek van de Nederlandse bond van Probleemvrienden. incomplete series: 1936, 1938, 1940-43, 1945-47, 1949, 1951-75, 1977-78, 1980. total 38 vols.

Auction 4
LOT 247
€0,00 - €150,00
Problem [magazine for chess problems and problemists]. no. 49 - 86

Problem, March 1958 - September 1962. Organe Officiel de la C.P.C.E. de la F.I.D.E. Red. Ing. N. Petrovic. Zagreb.

Auction 4
LOT 248
€0,00 - €200,00
Problem [magazine for chess problems and problemists]. no. 87 -m140

Problem, April 1963 - December 1970. Organe Officiel de la C.P.C.E. de la F.I.D.E. Red. Ing. N. Petrovic. Zagreb.

Auction 4
LOT 249
€0,00 - €150,00
Problem, magazine for chess problems and problemists. no. 141-174

Problem, August 1971 - May 1976. Organe Officiel de la C.P.C.E. de la F.I.D.E. Red. Ing. N. Petrovic. Zagreb.

Auction 4
LOT 250
€0,00 - €150,00
Problem, magazine for chess problems and problemists. no. 175 - 210

Problem, September 1976 - Juli 1981.Organe Officiel de la C.P.C.E. de la F.I.D.E. Red. Ing. N. Petrovic. Zagreb.

Auction 4
SOLD €200,00
LOT 251
€0,00 - €200,00
Chess Tournament [London 1851] Staunton. London. 1852

The Chess Tournament. A collection of games ... ill. by diagrams and notes ... by H. Staunton. London. Henry G. Bohn. 1852

Auction 4
SOLD €120,00
LOT 252
€0,00 - €200,00
Das Internationale Schachturnier zu Hastings [1895]. Von Veit & Comp. Leipzig. 1896

Das Internationale Schachturnier zu Hastings im August-September 1895. [Partieen und Anmerkungen von E. Schallopp]

Auction 4
LOT 254
€0,00 - €150,00
Das Grossmeisterturnier zu St. Petersburg [1914]. Dr. Tarrasch. Nuernberg. 1914

Das Grossmeisterturnier zu St. Petersburg im Jahre 1914. Sammlung saemtlicher Partien....von Dr. Tarrasch. Anhang: Die Ergebnisse des Turniers fuer die Eroeffnungslehre. Nuernberg....

Auction 4
SOLD €80,00
LOT 255
€0,00 - €200,00
Das Internationale Schachturnier Moskau 1925. E. Bogoljubow. Berlin/Leipzig. Walter de Gruyter. 1927

Das Internationale Schachturnier Moskau 1925 im auftrage des Turnier-Komitees bearbeitet von E. Bogoljubow. Berlin und Leipzig. 1927 Walter de Gruyter & Co.

Auction 4
SOLD €75,00
LOT 256
€0,00 - €100,00
Hastings 1927-28. Budapest 1928. Bad Sliac 1932 3 toeinooien in een band.

A Hastings-I Nemzetkozi Sakkverseny. Maroczy. Magyar Sakkvilag. Kecskemet. 1924. Budapest 1928 red. Maroczy, Chalupetzky, Toth en Capablanca. M.S. Kecskemet. 1929 en Bad Sliac...

Auction 4
SOLD €60,00
LOT 257
€0,00 - €100,00
Berlin 1918, Baden Baden 1925, Moskau 1935 and Wien 1949. total 4.

Das Grossmeister-Turnier im Kerkau-Palast zu Berlin 1918 [Dr.E. Lasker], Internationales Schachturnier zu Baden-Baden 1925 [Dr. Tarrasch], 2. Internationales Schachmeisterturnier...

Auction 4
SOLD €70,00
LOT 258
€0,00 - €150,00
Sachova Olympiada v Praze 1931. red. E. Richter a.o. Praha. Sachovni klub Dobrusky. Praha. 1932

Sachova Olympiada v Praze 1931. red. J. Louma, V. Mrazik, A. Pokorny, J. Rejfir, E. Richter, J. Rychtar. publ by Sachovni klub Dobrusky v Praze. 1932

Auction 4
LOT 259
€0,00 - €70,00
Die Praxis meines Systems. A. Nimzowitsch. Siedentop & Co. Berlin. 1931

Die Praxis meines Systems Illustriert an 109 Partien aus meinen Kaempfen... Ein Lehrbuch des praktischen Schachs. A. Nimzowitsch. Siedentop & Co. Berlin. 1931.

Auction 4
LOT 260
€0,00 - €70,00
Alphabet du Jeu des Echecs. Casimir Sanson. Paris

Alphabet du Jeu des Echecs ou les elements pour apprendre seul ce jeu, comprenant le reglement, ... et des problemes. Casimir Sanson. Bernardin-Bechet. Paris. n.d. [1880]

Auction 4
SOLD €35,00
LOT 261
€0,00 - €70,00
Teoria e Pratica del Giuoco degli Scacchi. C. Salvioli. Venezia. 1887

Teoria e Pratica del Giuoco degli Scacchi. Trattato completo ... Volume terzo [finali di partita]. C. Salvioli. Venezia. Ferrari, Kirchmayer e Scozzi. 1887

Auction 4
SOLD €60,00
LOT 262
€0,00 - €70,00
Koenige. Hans Mueller. Stuttgart-Berlin. 1919 and 2 others.

Koenige. Ein Schauspiel in drei Aufzuegen von Hans Mueller

Auction 4
LOT 263
€0,00 - €150,00
Adolf Anderssen. Dr. Hermann von Gottschall. Veit & Comp. Leipzig. 1912

Adolf Anderssen. Der Altmeister deutscher Schachspielkunst. Sein Leben und Schaffen. Dr. Hermann von Gottschall. Veit & Comp. Leipzig. 1912

Auction 4
SOLD €60,00
LOT 264
€0,00 - €70,00
Der Michelangelo des Schachspiels Wilhelm Steinitz. J. Hannak. Wien. 1936

Der Michelangelo des Schachspiels. Ein geschichtlicher Abriss zum100. Geburtstag des ersten Schachweltmeisters Wilhelm Steinitz von J. Hannak. [Geleitwort R. Spielmann]. Verlag...

Auction 4
LOT 265
€0,00 - €70,00
Manual de Ajedrez. Enrique Delaire. Bauza. Barcelona. 1931

Manual de Ajedrez. Enrique delaire. trad. A. Champs d-Or. Bauza. Barcelona 1931

Auction 4
LOT 266
€0,00 - €100,00
5 Chess tournaments. 1963-66 total 5.

Bulletin Enschede 1963. Bulletin Beverwijk 1963. Bulletin Beverwijk 1964. Bulletin Amsterdam 1966. Bulletin Beverwijk 1966

Auction 4
SOLD €300,00
LOT 267
€400,00 - €600,00
Bibliography. Geryacht. Handbuch der deutschen Schachbibliographie ab 1900 vol I. Peinmondt. Refordis. Wien 2006

Peinmondt. Alfabetisches Handbuch deutscher Schachbibliografie ab 1900. Vindobona. 2006

Auction 4
LOT 268
€400,00 - €600,00
Bibliography. Niemroch. Deutsche Schach-Bibliografie. 1900 bis 1949. Vindobona [Wien] 2005

Niemroch Deutsche Schach-Bibliografie 1900 bis 1945. Ein annotiertes Handbuechlein. Wien. 2005

Auction 4
LOT 269
€400,00 - €600,00
Bibliography. Quelfrau. Handbuch der Schachbibliografien. Refordis Verlag. Vindobona [Wien] 2006

Quelfrau B Weltbibliografie zum Schachspiel. Wien. 2006

Auction 4
LOT 270
€400,00 - €600,00
Xanacht C Deskriptives Schach Handbuch. Refordis. Vindobona [Wien] 2005

Xanacht C. Deskriptives Schach Handbuch zu Weltweit publizierten Buechern und Serials. Refordis Verlag. Wien. 2005

Auction 4
SOLD €250,00
LOT 271
€150,00 - €300,00
The Chess Players Chronicle. Vol II. [H. Staunton] R. Hastings. London. 1842

The Chess Players Chronicle. Vol II. R. Hastings. London. 1842. Founded and edited by Howard Staunton.

Auction 4
SOLD €240,00
LOT 272
€150,00 - €300,00
The Chess Players Chronicle. Vol V. [H. Staunton] R. Hastings. London. 1844

The Chess Players Chronicle. Vol V. R. Hastings. London. [1844] 1845. Founded and edited by Howard Staunton.

Auction 4
SOLD €180,00
LOT 273
€150,00 - €300,00
The Chess Players Chronicle. Vol VI. [H. Staunton] R. Hastings. London. [1845] 1846.

The Chess Players Chronicle. Vol VI. R. Hastings. London. [1845] 1846. Founded and edited by Howard Staunton.

Auction 4
SOLD €200,00
LOT 274
€150,00 - €300,00
The Chess Players Chronicle. Vol X. [H. Staunton]. Hurst & Co. London. 1849

The Chess Players Chronicle. Vol X. Hurst & Co. London. 1849. Founded and edited by Howard Staunton.

Auction 4
SOLD €190,00
LOT 275
€0,00 - €300,00
The Chess Players Chronicle. Vol XI. [H. Staunton] C.J. Skeet. London. 1850

The Chess Players Chronicle. Vol XI. C.J. Skeet. London. 1850. Founded and edited by Howard Staunton.

Auction 4
SOLD €200,00
LOT 276
€0,00 - €300,00
The Chess Players Chronicle. Vol XII. [H. Staunton] C. Skeet. London. 1851

The Chess Players Chronicle. Vol XII. C. Skeet. London. 1851. Founded and edited by Howard Staunton.

Auction 4
SOLD €200,00
LOT 277
€0,00 - €400,00
The Chess Players Chronicle. Vol I, new series. [H. Staunton] W.Kent. London. 1853

The Chess Players Chronicle. Vol I. new series.W. Kent & Co. . London. 1853. Founded and edited by Howard Staunton.

Auction 4
SOLD €200,00
LOT 278
€0,00 - €300,00
The Chess Players Chronicle. Vol II new series. H. Staunton. W. Kent. London. 1854

The Chess Players Chronicle. Vol II. new series. W. Kent. London. 1854. Founded and edited by Howard Staunton.

Auction 4
SOLD €150,00
LOT 279
€0,00 - €300,00
The Chess Players Chronicle. Vol III new series. H. Staunton. W. Kent. London. 1855

The Chess Players Chronicle. Vol III. new series. W. Kent. London. 1855. Founded and edited by Howard Staunton.

Auction 4
LOT 280
€0,00 - €800,00
Note books with (mostly) openings studies by one of the Polgar sisters.

3 note books. manuscript in Hungarian with numerous diagrams related to openings and classical games. also loosely inserted some hand written notes about games and openings.

Auction 4
LOT 281
€0,00 - €100,00
Frenschach 1961, 67-68, 69, 74-75, 76-77, 78-79. VI vols.

Fernschach. Organ des Weltgernschachbundes (ICCF) und des Bundes deutscher Fernschachfreunde (BdF). Hans Werner von Massow. Progress Verlag. Darmstadt. 1961, 1967-68, 1969, 1974-75,...

Auction 4
SOLD €70,00
LOT 282
€0,00 - €100,00
Laskers Chess Magazine. Vols. I - II. New York. 1904-1905

Laskers Chess Magazine. Vols I - II. E. Lasker. New York. 1904 - 1905. [a monthly record of chess science and chess doings] Vol I, 6 nrs. and Vol II, 6 nrs. complete.

Auction 4
SOLD €60,00
LOT 283
€0,00 - €70,00
Arbeiter-Schachzeitung. red. A. Klinke. Verlag E. Hofmann Chemnitz. 1926

Arbeiter-Schachzeitung. Organ des Deutschen Arbeiter-Schachbundes (Sektion der Arbeiter-Schach-Internationale. red. Arthur Klinke. Verlag Emil Hofmann. Chemnitz. 15. Jahrgang. 1926.

Auction 4
LOT 284
€0,00 - €100,00
Schach-Magazin and Oesterreischische Schachzeitung. 63 nrs 1947-70

Schach-Magazin. Internationale Monatszeitschrift fuer das gesamte Schachleben. Officielles Organ des Oesterreichischen Schachbundes. Wien und Oesterreischische Schachzeitung. Wien....

Auction 4
LOT 285
€0,00 - €200,00
Arbejder-Skak. III Vols. 1945-50, 1951-58, 1959-64.

Arbejder-Skak. Organ for Dansk Arbejder-Skakforbund. Red. J.P. Toft. Skakhuset. Kobenhavn. III Vols 1945 - 1964.

Auction 4
LOT 286
€0,00 - €100,00
Europe Echecs. IV Vols. 1975-76, 1977, 1978, 1979

Europe Echecs. Revue Internationale Mensuelle du Jeu d-Echecs. Red. Raymond Lhoste. Besancon. 1975 - 1979

Auction 4
SOLD €30,00
LOT 287
€0,00 - €50,00
Ceskoslovensky Sach 1955 and 1958. total 2.

Ceskoslovensky Sach. Red. Josef Louma. Praha [Prague] 1955 and 1958

Auction 4
LOT 288
€0,00 - €70,00
Sachovski Glasnik 1971 and 1972 in I vol.

Sachovski Glasnik. Organ Sahovskog saveza Hrvatske. Zagreb. 1971 and 1972.

Auction 4
LOT 289
€0,00 - €100,00
Mezdinarodnii Schachmatnii Kongress. M. I. Tsjigorin . St. Petersburg 1909. [fotomech. reprint] 1979

Fotomech. reprint of the St. Petersburg Tournament. 1909

Auction 4
SOLD €60,00
LOT 290
€0,00 - €100,00
Russian Championships no. 17, 25, 27, 42, 47, 48, 49 and 51 [in Rusian] 8 vols.

8 Russian Championships. 1949, 1958, 1960, 1975, 1979, 1980, 1981 and 1983.

Auction 4
SOLD €100,00
LOT 291
€0,00 - €200,00
Schachmatnii Bulletin [in Russian] 1957 - 1982. 26 years in 24 vols.

Schachmatnii Bulletin. Moscow. 26 running years in 24 vols.

Auction 4
SOLD €110,00
LOT 292
€0,00 - €200,00
Magyar Sakkvilag

Magyar Sakkvilag. A Magyar Sakkszoevetseg Hivatalos Lapja Laszlo Toth. Budapest

Auction 4
LOT 293
€0,00 - €200,00
Magyar Sakkelet

Monthly mag. Hungarian Chess Org. bound in 24 vols.

Auction 4
LOT 294
€0,00 - €100,00
Wereldschaaktoernooi Amsterdam 1950 and 2 others

Wereldschaaktoernooi Amsterdam 1950. Dr. M. Euwe & Lod. Prins. Lochem. 1951. Wereldkampioenschap Schaken 1948. Dr. Max Euwe. Lochem. 1948 and Positiespelen combinatiespel. Euwe. Lochem. 1949

Auction 4
LOT 295
€0,00 - €100,00
Mijn beste schaakpartijen, 1908-1923 and Mijn beste schaakpartijen 1924 - 1936. Dr. A. Alekhine [Dr. A. Aljechin] total 2.

This item contains no English description. See the Dutch description: Mijn beste schaakpartijen, 1908-1923 / by Alexander Alekhine ; transl. by J.J.G. Delvaux. Van Goor. Den Haag....

Auction 4
LOT 296
€40,00 - €80,00
Op college bij dr. Euwe.

This item contains no English description. See the Dutch description: AVRO, 1938. 5 4-pag. radiolessons by dr. Euwe, + chessboard 15,5 x 22 cm.


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