
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

You can log in by simply clicking “log in” on the top right of the homepage of our website. If you haven’t registered yet, you will need to create an account by clicking “sign up”, also on the top right.

You can place a bid as soon as the new catalogue is online. You simply click on the lot you are interested in and you leave your bid by affirming it.

Click “log in” on the top right. Below the login credentials, there is an option “Forgotten your password?”. Click this link to have your password reset.

The buyer’s premium is a percentage of the final hammer price that the buyer of an object must pay in addition to the hammer price of an object. The percentage is 26.8%. In addition to the buyer’s premium and hammer price, the buyer is responsible for paying all relevant taxes, charges, and shipping costs. For more on these costs please see General Information and more specifically Shipping Costs.

€70 - €200: €10
€200 - €500: €20
€500 - €1000: €50
€1000 - €2000: €100
€2000 - €5000: €200
Higher than €5000: €500 and up

No problem at all. Just send us your address via the email form on the contact, and we will send you the catalogue 2 weeks prior to the auction. The catalogue costs 20 euros. Instead of a hard copy, we can also send you a free digital copy of our catalogue. Subscribe by sending us an email and we will send you the digital version.


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