
Natural History: Lots 500 - 529

Auction 32
SOLD €70,00
LOT 500
€70,00 - €120,00
[Botany] De Naauwkeurige bloemist, of de nieuwe Nederlandschen bloemhof

beplant met bloemen, ooft en orangeryen (...). Rotterdam, D. Vis, 1793. 7th ed. (14),312,(2) p. Engr. frontisp. by F. Bleyswijk, 5 plates. Hcl. w. later manuscript title on spine.

Auction 32
SOLD €650,00
LOT 501
€500,00 - €1000,00
[Botany] Geel, P.C. van and P.-A.J. Drapiez. (Sertum botanicum

collection choisie des plantes les plus remarquables par leur élégance, leur éclat ou leur utilité). (1828-1832). Collection of 143 (of 600) cont. handcol. lithogr. plates by Burggraaff...

Auction 32
SOLD €200,00
LOT 502
€200,00 - €400,00
[Botany] Knoop, Johan Hermann. De beknopte huishoudelyke hovenier,

of korte verhandeling en synonymische of meer-namige lysten van alle de soorten der ooft-vrugten (...) Amst., Martinus de Bruyn, n.d. (1760). 2nd ed. x,295 p. Hcalf. 8vo. Bound...

Auction 32
LOT 503
€200,00 - €400,00
[Botany] Miller, P. Groot en Algemeen Kruidkundig,

Hoveniers en Bloemisten Woordenboek, behelzende de manier om Moes-, Bloem-, Vrugt-, Kruid-Tuinen, Wild-Bossen, Wijngaarden, Oranje-Huizen, Stookkassen, enz. (...). Leiden, P. vander...

Auction 32
SOLD €380,00
LOT 504
€200,00 - €400,00
[Botany] Munting, A. Waare oeffening der planten,

waar in de rechte aart, natuire, en verborgene eigenschappen der boomen, heesteren, kruiden, ende bloemen, door een veeljaarige onderzoekinge, zelfs gevonden; Als meede op wat...

Auction 32
SOLD €240,00
LOT 505
€300,00 - €600,00
[Botany] Nylandt, Petrus. De Nederlandtse Herbarius of Kruydt-boeck

Beschryvende De Geslachten/ Gedaente/ Plaetse/ Tijt/ Oeffeningh/ Aert/ Krachten/ en Medicinael gebruyck van allerhande Boomen/ Heesteren/ Boom-gewassen/ Kruyden en Planten/ die...

Auction 32
SOLD €900,00
LOT 506
€100,00 - €200,00
Chaumeton, F.P. a.o. Flore médicale

Paris, C.L.F. Pancoucke, 1815-1820, 7 (of 8) parts in 8 (of 9) vols., up to vol. 6 containing 300 fine engr. plates printed in colours and partly handcol. by Ernestine Panckoucke...

Auction 32
SOLD €220,00
LOT 507
€70,00 - €120,00
[Conchology] Nyst, P.-H. Annales du Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique. Conchyliology des terrains

tertiares de la Belgique. Tome III. Première partie. Terrain pliocène scaldisien. Brussels, F. Hayez, 1878-1881. Text & plate vols. (8),lv,(2),263 p. Portrait of the author in...

Auction 32
LOT 508
€120,00 - €240,00
[Dendrology] Evelyn, J. Silva: or, a Discourse of Forest-Trees,

And the Propagation of Timber in His Majesty's Dominions (...). London, J. Walthoe etc., 1729. 2 parts in 1 vol. (2),xxviii,329,vi; (4),235,(5) p. 2 full-p. engr. plates and num....

Auction 32
SOLD €650,00
LOT 509
€350,00 - €700,00
[Entomology] Harris, Moses. An Exposition of English Insects,

Including the several Classes of Neuroptera, Hymenoptera & Diptera, or Bees, Flies & Libellulae Exhibiting on 51 Copper Plates near 500 Figures accurately drawn & highly finished...

Auction 32
SOLD €4400,00
LOT 510
€4500,00 - €9000,00
[Entomology] Rösel von Rosenhof, A.J. De natuurlyke historie der insecten

Dutch ed. and transl. by C.F.C. KLeemann (Rösel's son-in-law). Haarlem and Amst., C.H. Bohn and H. de Wit etc., n.d. (1765-1788), 5 parts in 4 vols., (24),568,(8); (10),580,(8);...

Auction 32
SOLD €700,00
LOT 511
€150,00 - €300,00
Hoefnagel, G. "Nil mihi tenebris si nox, si nubila, claudor, soli me pando, sol mihi solus amor"

I. Chr. Weigel excudit. From Archetypa studiaque patris Georgii Hoefnagelii Iacobus F. genio duce ab ipso scalpta, omnibus philomusis amica D: ac perbenique communicat, 1591-1584....

Auction 32
SOLD €110,00
LOT 512
€70,00 - €120,00
[Horticulture] Bulletin d'arboriculture, de floriculture et de culture potagère/ Bulletin du cercle professoral

pour le progrès de l'arboriculture en Belgique. 6 loose issues each, late 19th cent. Full-p. chromolithogr. plates and b/w (full-p.) ills. Orig. wrs. 8vo

Auction 32
SOLD €600,00
LOT 513
€100,00 - €200,00
[Horticulture] La Belgique Horticole, journal des jardins, des serres et des vergers

4 bound vols. and 1 loose issue of this Belgian horticultural publication, 1852-1864. Full-p. chromolithogr. ills. Non-unif. bindings. Added: Revue horticole, journal d'horticulture...

Auction 32
SOLD €420,00
LOT 514
€200,00 - €400,00
[Horticulture] Scheidweiler, M. & M. Ysabeau. Journal d'horticulture pratique de La Belgique,

ou Guide des amateurs et jardiniers. Brussels, F. Parent, 1844-1855. 8 vols.: 1e Année w. 6 (of 12?) col. plates & 2 fold. b/w plates; 2e Année w. 7 (of 12?) col. plates & 2 b/w...

Auction 32
SOLD €440,00
LOT 515
€300,00 - €600,00
[Ichthyology] Bleeker, P. Atlas ichthyologique des Indes Orientales Néêrlandais

(...) Vol. IV. Murènes, synbranches, leptocéphales. Amst., F. Muller, 1864. Vol. 4 only. 132 p. 48 (of 49) chromolithogr. plates of fishes printed by C.W. Mieling. All lvs loose...

Auction 32
LOT 516
€100,00 - €200,00
[Ichthyology] Engravings of fishes

3 handcol. engr. plates depicting a total of 7 kinds of fishes, sheet sizes approx. 42 x 60 cm (2x) and 37 x 60 cm, from A.F. Marsilius/ J. Houbraken, Danubius Pannonico-Mysicus,...

Auction 32
LOT 517
€3000,00 - €6000,00
[Ichthyology] Fries, B.F., C.U. Ekström & C.J. Sundevall. Skandinaviens Fiskar

Incl. Bihang, innefattande beskrifningar öfver de I Skandinavien bruklige Fiskeredskap. Stockholm, P.A. Norstedt & Sons, 1838 (=1836-1857). 1st ed. 10 parts (paginated as 3) in...

Auction 32
LOT 518
€100,00 - €200,00
Linné, C. de. Système de la nature de Charles de Linné

Classe deuxième du règne animal, contenant les oiseaux (...). Brussels, E. Flon, 1796. Vols. 1-3. 463; 464; 490 p. Unif. marbled paper wrs. (worn). 8vo. Added: Idem. Systême de...

Auction 32
SOLD €240,00
LOT 519
€150,00 - €300,00
[Ornithology] Brodtmann, K.I. Naturgeschichte und Abbildungen der Vögel

Nach den neuesten Systemen bearbeitet von H.R. Schinz (...) gezeichnet und lithografiert von K.I. Brodtmann. Zurich, 1830, engr. title-p. and 65 (of 144) finely handcol. lithogr....

Auction 32
SOLD €850,00
LOT 520
€600,00 - €1200,00
[Ornithology] Dubois, C.-F. & A. Les oiseaux de l'Europe

et leurs oeufs (...). Deuxième série. Espèces non observées en Belgique. Brussels etc., C. Muquardt, 1868-1872. 2 vols. W. fronisp. portrait and most likely complete w. all of...

Auction 32
SOLD €1400,00
LOT 521
€700,00 - €1200,00
[Ornithology] Hermans, H. Jr. Beknopte natuurlijke geschiedenis der zeldzaamste en meest belangrijkste

in- en uitlandsche vogelen (...). Amst., Gebroeders Van Arum, n.d. (1828). 1st and only ed. 2 vols. Text vol. and plate vol. of 117 figures of birds on 21 engr. plates after Jan...

Auction 32
SOLD €100,00
LOT 522
€100,00 - €200,00
[Ornithology] Himantopus Plinii. Fulica. Anas Moschata Cairina Aldrov. Femina

3 handcol. engr. plates, sheet sizes approx. 60 x 42 cm, from A.F. Marsilius/ J. Houbraken, Danubius Pannonico-Mysicus, observationibus geographicis, astronomicis, hydrographicis,...

Auction 32
SOLD €320,00
LOT 523
€100,00 - €200,00
[Ornithology] Kirkman, R.B. & B.A. Oxon, eds. The British Bird Book

An Account of all the Birds, Nests and Eggs found in the British Isles. London, T.C. & E.C. Jack, 1911-1913. 4 parts in 12 vols. Deluxe lim. ed., no. 3/350, signed, richly ill....

Auction 32
SOLD €200,00
LOT 524
€100,00 - €200,00
[Ornithology] Rambert, E. and L.P. Robert. Les oiseaux dans la nature

Description pittoresque des oiseaux utiles. Lausanne/ Paris, D. Lebet, (1879), no pagination, w. 60 chromolithogr. plates w. tissue guards, 30 wood engr. plates & num. wood engr....

Auction 32
SOLD €800,00
LOT 525
€300,00 - €600,00
[Pomology] Lauche, W. Deutsche Pomologie

Chromolithographische Abbildung, Beschreibung und Kulturanweisung der empfehlenswerthesten Sorten (...). Berlin, P. Parey, 1882-1883. 6 vols. w. a total of 294 chromolithogr. plates...

Auction 32
SOLD €200,00
LOT 526
€70,00 - €140,00
[Pomology] Lot of sixteen plates depicting various fruits

Var. sizes and techniques. From Knoop, Pomologia, ca. 1760 (5 beautifully handcol. engr. plates), Bertuch, Deutsches Obstcabinet, ca. 1840 (9 finely handcol. lithogr. plates, under...

Auction 32
SOLD €400,00
LOT 527
€100,00 - €200,00
[Pomology. Horticulture] Schweizerische Obst- und Gartenbau-Zeitung und praktischer Ratgeber

5 bound vols. of this Swiss fruit and horticulture newspaper, 1917-1923. Full-p. chromolithogr. ills. Non-unif. bindings. Added: Der Schweizerische Obstbauer. Ein Praktischer Wegweiser...

Auction 32
LOT 528
€300,00 - €600,00
Smith, Th. Le cabinet du jeune naturaliste,

ou tableaux intéressans de l'histoire des animaux (...). Ouvrage enrichie de soixante-cinq belles gravures. Paris, by Crapelet for Ledoux et Tenré, 1818, 6 vols., w. 6 engr. titles...

Auction 32
SOLD €200,00
LOT 529
€200,00 - €350,00
[Zoology] (Pallas, P.S.). Dierkundige beschouwingen,

Eenige Zoorten van zeldzame Dieren door naauwkeurige Beschryvingen, Afbeeldingen en Verhandelingen opgeheldert (...). Transl. P. Boddaert. Rott., J.J. Meyneken, n.d. (ca. 1793)....


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