A.J. van der Aa. Amst., G.J.A. Beijerinck, 1845, VI, 227 p., "met houtsneêplaten", orig. cardboard wrappers.
Amst., Schalekamp en Van de Grampel, z.d. (1831), (4), 47 p., 12 woodcuts in the text, orig. cardboard wrappers.
By P.H. Vis and R. Bos. Rijswijk, Blankwaardt en Schoonhoven, z.d. (1916), XL p., white images on black paper, orig. half linen, 4to. + Wit op zwart. Opstelletjes in beeld voor...
K.E. Garman. Chicago, Ideal Book Builders, (1909), 8 leaves (incl. wrappers) that can be turned in strips, orig. wrappers in the shape of an elephant (Childrens Favorite Series...
Leiden, D. Noothoven van Goor, z.d. (1858), (6), 228 p., hand coloured lithogr. plates, lithogr. contemporary half morocco, 4to.
By Johannes Hazeu. Amst., M.H. Helmig, 1826, IV, 156 p., hand coloured engr. plates, orig. cardboard binding.
J.F.L. Müller. Amst., J. Vlieger, z.d. (ca. 1890), 10th/9th ed., 2 vols., (2), 17; (2), 16 p., 16/16 chromolithogr. plates, orig. unif. lithogr. wrappers.
E. Heimans. Amst., H.J.W. Becht, z.d. (ca. 1895), 3rd ed., 14 p., lithogr. ills. in colour, orig. lithogr. wrappers, oblong 4to.
By N. Bodenheim. Amst., Van Holkema en Warendorf, z.d. (1923), (26) leaves (printed on one side), lithogr. text and illustrations in colour, orig. lithgr. binding, oblong.
Leiden, A.W. Sythoff, 1861, (6),106 p., 13 hand col. engr. plates of professions, contemporary linen binding.
Text E. van Calkar. Arnhem, Van Egmond en Heuvelink, z.d. (1873), 12 p., 5 large lithogr. plates with moveable parts, lithogr. wrappers, 4to.
E. Heimans. Amst., H.J.W. Becht, z.d. (ca. 1895), 3rd ed., 14 p., beautiful lithogr. ills. in colour, orig. lithogr. wrappers, oblong 4to.
By J. Schenkman. Amst., G.T. Bom, z.d. (1862), 21 leaves (printed on one side), hand coloured lithogr. plates with text, orig. half linen.
Dordr., J. Zender, 1835, 2nd ed., 64 p., 8 hand coloured engr. plates, orig. wrappers.
By J. van Soest. Batavia, Lange & Co., z.d. (1857), (4),106,(2) p., lithogr. title, 6 lithogr. plates in colour, orig. linen.
Arnhem, C.A. Thieme, z.d. (1837), VI,115,(1) p., hand coloured engr. title, 5 hand coloured engr. plates, contemporary cardboard binding.
By J. Schenkman. Amst., G.T. Bom, z.d. (1863), 20 leaves (printed on one side), hand coloured lithogr. plates with text, orig. half linen, 4to.
Rott., D. Bolle, z.d. (ca. 1890), 6 lithogr. plates with moveable and pop-up elements, bound as leporello, oblong.
Den Haag/ Amst., S. de Visser/ J.H. Laarman, 1835-1852, 18 vols., lots of wood engravings, lithogr. and steel engravings, bound in (almost) uniform linen.
Haarlem, I. de Haan, z.d. (ca. 1890), 6 lithogr. plates with text on adjacent side, orig. half linen.
By J. Schenkman. Amst., G.T. Bom, z.d. (1862), 20 hand coloured lithogr. plates with text (printed on one side), orig. half linen, 4to.
Amst., C. Schaares, 1824, 3rd ed., (4), 123 p., hand coloured engr. title, 2 hand coloured plates, orig. cardboard binding.
Amst., H. Gartman, z.d. (ca. 1830), 68 p., 6 hand coloured engr. plates, original cardboard binding.
Amst., G.J.A. Beijerinck, 1829, IV, 182 p., wood engravings in the text, later linen binding with (nearly fitting) cardboard box.
by F. van Aken. Amst., Erve W. Houtgraaf, 1804, (2),92 p., 10 hand coloured engr. plates, cardboard binding.
By Joujou. Z.pl., voor heen Voskuil & Nuss, z.d. (ca. 1900), 4 hand coloured plates with 14 moveable dolls (complete), loose in orig. wrappers, folio.
Amst., J. Radink, z.d. (ca. 1840), 2nd ed., (2), 86 p., 8 hand coloured engr. plates, contemporary cardboard binding.