De zaak Francis Blake. Jean van Hamme/Ted Benoit, Blake & Mortimer editions deluxe series, 1996. No. 514/600 with signed ex libris + Het Voronov-Complot + Bericht uit het Verleden...
Complete series vol. 1-52 in first ed. Vol. 1 worn along spine, vol. 7, 8, 11 and 14 restored along spine with sellotape. Up to vol. 15 in fair condition, else in good to very good condition.
Deluxe Frisian editions of vols. 1, 6, 33 and 34. Edition vol. 1: 70 copies, remaining 3 vols. in ed. of 50 copies. All bound in leather + 7 other publications, incl. Het Rijk...
1945 and 1947-1951. Weekly. 264 issues in total. On back and partly on front comic serials, incl. Wisky en Boule by Gervy, sev. comic strips on inside with script by Charlier.
Dupuis, 1955-1994. Vol. 1 to 32 in first ed. Vol. 1- 4 in good condition, vol. 5 to 22 in varying condition; sev. good, sev. with tape residue, wrinkled or written names. From...
Parool/De Nieuwe Pers, 1946-1961. All first edition, nearly all in good condition.
Joris Voetangel weet er raad op. N.V. Strips, Haarlem, 1946. 56 pp. Oblong, stapled + De verdere avonturen van Klaasje Allemansverdriet, J.A. ten Kleij jr. 1st and 2nd ed. + Jochem...
Clowntje Rick, H.H. Backer, de Bredasche Courant, 1950-51. Complete series of 10 vols. + Brommy en Tommy, Jan Dirk van Exter, het Parool, 1959-1961. Complete series of 6 vols....
Douwe Dabbert, Piet Wijn. Oberon/Big Balloon, 1977-2001. Nos. 1 to 23. All first ed. + De Generaal, Peter de Smet. Nos. 1 to 8, 11, 12 and 14 - and two bundlings (no. 11 is an...
Frank Moore. De overwinning op de Zwaartekracht. 32 pp. Stapled + Atlantis, het zesde werelddeel. 32 pp. Stapled, with stapled subscription card.
Guust. Jubilee publication Panda, 1980. Edition 500 copies. Sm. dent on front, else neat copy + Guust 13. Flater verdient een optater. Bound, 600 copies. Publication for the appearance...
1e Année, no. 21 to 60 and 2e Année, no. 61 to 100. Chs. Gordinne et fils, Liège et Paris, 1949, 1950. Two bundlings containing 80 issues in good condition.
Paulus en de Eikelmannetjes. Ploegsma, Amsterdam, 1965. 240 pp. Fine copy with dust jacket + Het Winterboek van Paulus. Arbeiderspers, 1948. 62 pp. + De Paulusboom, vol. 1 to 4,...
Gervy Yves, éditions Bonne Presse, 1938. Sm. traces of use, fairly good copy + Raoul Thomen - Les aventures acrobatiques de Charlot, Société Parisienne d'Édition, ca. 1950. 5 vols....
Lot with bundlings of this weekly magazine, with issues from the first three volumes 1946-1948. 4 albums in fairly good condition; in half cloth + four damaged bundlings, incl....
Uitg. N. G. Kolff & Co, Nederlandsch Indië. Cord-bound edition with beige cover and coat of arms, 1938.
Geïllustreerd Stuiversblad, 1932. Debut album by Mazure.
Lot with ca. 160 cartoon books incl. doubles, from the Stichting Uitgeverij Beeldverhalen collection, Appingedam. Incl. Lex Brand, Tom Wells, Fred Spring was dood!, Panterserie,...
Standaard Uitgeverij, 1965-1969. Vol. 1-20 in fair to good condition + Biggles 21; Het laatste Konvooi, uitg. 't Vlaams Stripcentrum for the occasion of the 10th Stripbeurs on...
Jack Monk, Don Freeman. Algro, Amsterdam, 1950. Complete series of 3. Stapled. Each 24 pp. Sev. minor traces of use, good set.
De Blauwe reeks. Bibliophile edition, 1984. All 6 vols. with cloth back + Lambik Baloor, Panda, 1985. In edition of 500 copies. Stapled, small size with accompanying New Year's...
Oluk, Denmark, 1951. Length 22 dm. Donald Duck in metal, with bakelite switch and textile lampshade. Marked on back. With plug.
Hardcover series no. 1 to 12 and 14 to 23 (no. 13 never appeared in the series), 1989-2002. With appendix with no. 14. All in good condition.
M. Remacle. De avonturen van Ouwe Niek, "Het goud van de El Terrible", Dupuis, 1965. Fine copy + Franquin - Robbedoes en Kwabbernoot. Vol. 10 - Het Masker der Stilte, Dupuis, 1958....
Dean & Sons, London, 1908. 54 pp. Fine copy.
Panda, 's-Gravenhage, 1976-1981. Vol. 1 to 20. First integral edition. Complete series with dust jacket in good condition + Kresse Bibliofiel, Panda, 's-Gravenhage. Vol. I to VII, IX and XI.
Don Lawrence Collection, Oosterhout, 1998-2003. Anniversary book + complete series of 12 hardcovers with dust jacket.
Marsu Productions + Champaka, 1996 - 1999, Het prentenkabinet - Guust Flater, edition of 50 copies, this is no. 10, signed by Mrs. Franquin + Guust 15 - Van flaters tot kraters,...
Capricornus 1 to 9, 5x hc. + 4x sc., Sherpa/Lombard, 1997-2004 + Arq 1 to 7, hc., Sherpa, 1997-2003 + Rork, 5x hc., Lombard, 1984-1992 + 12 other publications incl. 'De Rode Driehoek',...
Bourgeon: De Kinderen van de Wind 1 to 5, Oberon, 1981-1984, hc. + De gezellen van de schemering 1 to 3, Casterman, 1986 - 1990, sc. - and 5 other publications + Comès: De dorpsgek...
Schipbreukelingen 1 to 9, 8x hc., vol. 5 in sc., Talent, 1997-2003 + Quetzalcoatl 1 to 5, hc., Talent, 1997-2003 + Attila, mijn geliefde 1 to 6, Talent, 1998-2003, with dedication...
Corto Maltese, 23x + Woestijnschorpioenen, 6x + 21 other publications. Casterman/Loempia/Panda. 18x hc., 3 of which with dust jacket + 32x sc., 1978-2003.
The Collection 1 to 12 in box, 12x hc. with dust jacket, 1994-2001, vol. 1 to 5 as 2nd revised edition + Don Lawrence Verzameld, faux leather hc., DLC, 2001 + Het verschrikkelijke...
De jaren Ton en Tineke door Franquin, 3x hc. with dust jacket in box, edition of 400 copies, 3x signed by Franquin, Loempia, 1989-1991 + Vang 'ns een Marsupilami!, cloth hc. in...
Nero - De Hoorn des Overvloeds, Dirk Vermeirre editions 13 with original page consisting of 4 strips, nos. 73 to 76. Incl. the characters Nero and Madame Pheip. First album publication...
Stropke en Flopke, Esopus editions deluxe 1 to 7 in box, 7x hc. with cloth back, edition: 100 copies, no. 82, 1995-1996. All signed by Marc Sleen, also with signed screen print.
Jeremiah 20 - Huurlingen, cloth hc., edition: 300 copies, Silhouet, 1997 + Jeremiah 21 - Neef Lindford, hc. with dust jacket, edition: 300, Silhouet, 1998 + Jeremiah 23 - Wie is...
The Spirit Archives, volume 1 to 13, June 1940-December 1946, 13x hc. with dust jacket, DC Comics, 2000-2004.
Mick Mac Adam 1 to 6 + Arkel 1 to 3 + 4 other publications, 13x sc., 7x with bookmark, Uitg. Arcadia, 1998-2003. All numbered and signed by the authors.
Thorgal 1 to 28, Lombard, 1980-2004, 27x sc. + 2x hc. (26+27), all 1st ed. + De Chninkel, Casterman, 1999, hc. + De Chninkel 1 to 3 (colour), Casterman, 3x hc., 2001-2002 + De...
4 deluxe editions: Crux Universalis, case edition, numbered 312/666, signed, Les Humanoïdes Associes, 1982 + 11 Images, portfolio in tin, numbered 267/999, signed, Editions Vermorel,...
Various - L'etat des stocks, Futuropolis, 1986, deluxe edition in slipcase, numbered 349/800 and signed, dam. spine ends + 15x Dutch, 1980-2003, incl. the Voorbijganger series...
De Koene Ridder 1 to 20, Casterman, 1970-2001, sl. worn backs + De Koene Ridder - 7 albums, Paul Rijperman uitgaven 4x and Bundelingen 1 to 3, Casterman, 1980-2003 - and 4 other publications.
Daniel Clowes, 4x dedication in album + 4 albums, 1995-2001 + signed 8-ball Charles Burns, 1x dedication in album + 3x hc. with cloth back, Fantagraphics books, 1999-2001 + Blood...
20 Couvertures pour Spirou et Fantasio, 1987, hc. with cloth back + Guust, 15x, with Mijn vriend, de postbode, 1972-1992 + Robbedoes en Kwabbernoot, 28x, 1970-1986 + Ton en Tineke...
De Duistere Steden, 10x hc. + guide, Casterman, 1992-2004 + Herinneringen aan het eeuwig heden, Arboris, 1993, cloth hc. in slipcase - and 3 other publications.
Verzamelde werken 1 to 10, Arboris, 1988-1997 + Mensendoder, Casterman, 1988, hc. with cloth back + Chaos, Arboris, 1991, hc. with dust jacket + Verhalen van meneer Mouche, Arboris,...
John Difool 1 to 6 + De jeugd van John Difool 1 to 6, vol. 5 sm. dam. on top spine, Oberon, 1981-1995 + De wereld van Edena 9x, Casterman, 1988-2004 + De Incal, Oog & Blik, 2003...
First series vol. 1 to 9, Ontwikkeling-Arbeiderspers, 1923-1924. All in used condition, with partly battered backs + Second series, cased with cloth back, vol. 1 to 12, Ontwikkeling-Arbeiderspers...
De Vrijheid, 1995-1997. Bound in faux leather with bookmark pasted cover illustration. A total of 73 comic stories and 33 illustrated stories in 21 bindings. Vol. 4 sm. dam. on...
Vol. 1-52, Dupuis, 1949-2008. All in first edition. Lacks vol. 16. Final vols. in good condition, first vols. varying from poor to fairly good condition.
Sirius, Dupuis 1944-1954. Complete series vol. 1-8, including Le pharaon des cavernes, 1949. Partly in poor, partly in fair condition.
Dupuis, Zonen en Co, Antwerpen. Second volume No. 1, 1939 to no. 17, 1940. In half cloth, folio. Exceptionally beautiful copy.
Album No. 5, Dupuis, 2nd volume no. 18 to 33, 1940. Repaired dam. to spine, else fairly good copy + Robbedoes Album no. 18, bound with cloth back, no. 316, 1946 to 332, 1946. Good...
Original drawing Fat Freddy's Cat, Amsterdam, 1990. India ink. 22 x 16 cm. Mounted in frame.
Jan Kordaat speurder, Dupuis, 1944. Poor copy, lacks back + Jan Kordaat II, 1948 - and vol. 1-15, 1953-1987. No. 10 in reprint, others in first ed. Most in poor to fair condition.
Projector Diaskop Bajka, in box with ca. 50 clips incl. Eric de Noorman series "De Zwarte Ruiter" vol. 1 to 5 and several of Kapitein Rob, Sjors en Sjimmie, Donald Duck etc. +...
1946-1993. Near-complete series, partly single, partly in album. We have collated the first volume by issue, but not by each page. Containing 1946 1-16, 1947 3-22, bundling 1947:...
Geïllustreerde Pers, 1992. Vol. 1 to 17. All with dust jacket.
Kuifje in Zwitserland. Efdé et al., hc. with cloth back, unnumbered, 1978 + idem, deluxe edition, in pink with red cloth back, on back inscription "Zwitserleven" and supplement...
De avonturen van Kuifje, reporter van de Petit Vingtième, in het Land van de Sovjets. Casterman, 2008. Bound with grey/blue cloth back + facsimile editions Kuifje en de Juwelen...
Heinz - "Geklets bij het aardappelschillen". Scene from the film. Windig & de Jong, 2002. Watercolour with India ink. 6 x 8 cm. Mounted in frame.
Mary Tourtel, Premie Nieuwsblad van Friesland, Hepkema vol. I to XXXIII, 1932-1940 + oblong war issues, XXXIV-XXXVII, 1940-1942 and vol. XXXVIII: Wat Bruintje met Beppo, den aap...
Alex. De Barbaren. Wonderland productions, 1998. Signed by Martin and Morales, 140/225, folio with orig. screen print + 10 French hc. + De Grijze uil, Paul Rijperman, 1985, hc....
Edgar P. Jacobs/T. Benoit et al. - Blake & Mortimer. Lombard/Blake & Mortimer, Brussel. Nos. 1-16 in sc., all in later ed. + Kogaratsu, Michetz-Bosse, Dupuis Spotlight. Vol. 1-9...
Lot with large-size softcover comics. Incl. The Narrative Corpse. A chain-story by 69 artists!. Edited by Art Spiegelman and R. Sikoryak; incl. Crumb, Spiegelman, Loustal, Swarte...
Lot with 9 Freak Brothers and Fat Freddy's Cat publications. No less than 7 of these carry a dedication to Paul Maurides, made during a visit by Shelton to Lambiek, Amsterdam,...
Lot with 6 Robbedoes Meccano boxes (2x vol. 1, 3x vol. 2, 1x vol. 4). Mostly complete - and another set. With books of vol. 1 to 4 and an accompanying cardboard Robbedoes box in...
The Complete Color Terry and the Pirates. Milton Caniff, Vol. I, Remco Worldservice Books, 1990. Hc. with dust jacket + The Komplete Kolor Krazy Kat. George Herriman, Volume 1...
Stray Bullets Volume 1-3, David Lapham. El Capitan, 1995-2001. Hc. + The Cartoon history of the Universe Bundling I-III, Larry Gonick, 1990-2001 + We're Depressed. Mark Beyer....
B. Krigstein. Greg Sadowski. Fantagraphics Books, Seattle, 2002. 250 pp. Bound with dust jacket + Preacher dead or alive. Covers by Glenn Fabry. Verigo DC Comics, 200. 192 pp,...
Het Postzegelalbum van Joost Veerkamp, Thomas Rap, 1988. No. 204. Signed. With p. 1-26 and 28, complete with the corresponding stamps. In cloth in cassette + Het verkennen van...
De meisjes van het Station, portfolio Dick Matena, Arboris, 1990. 318/400, consisting of foreword, 8 text pages, sketches and fullcolour signed erotic screen prints. In orig. folder,...
Kolk. Data 95. Hanco Kolk, 1995. Portfolio superscreen edition with 6 calendar leaves. No. 247/250 in envelope + Correspondentie 1992-1993 Hanco Kolk-Peter de Wit. De Serie, Griffioen...
Bilal - Koude Evenaar, Big Balloon Alpen, 1992, numb. 991/1250 and signed + 13 other publications. Hugo Pratt - Encres de Guerre, Rackham, 2001, cloth hc. in slipcase - and 8 other publications.
Lot with 16x hc., incl. Indian Summer, Bolero, Venus & Salome and others + 21x sc., incl. Giuseppe Bergman, De Schakelaar and others, var. publishers, 1980-2001.
Rumbas, portfolio, Stardom, 1994, numb. 58/500 and signed Moebius + Mystere Montrouge, portolio with 11 plates in colour, Stardom + Mourir et voir Naples, portfolio, Cuen, 2000...
Lot with various hc. - incl. Warnauts/Raives, Venetiaanse Suites 1 to 7 - Giardino - Juillard - Cabanes - Tardi and others. 36x hc. + 7x sc.
Batman - Black and White vol. 1 + 2, DC Comics, 1998-2002 + Mike Mignola - The art of Hellboy, Dark Horse Comics, 2003, cloth hc. + Tales from the Crypt 1 to 5 in box, Gemstone...
The complete Crumb comics vol. 1 to vol. 16 with 1 box, Fantagraphics books, 1987-2002 + R. Crumb Sketchbook Volume 1, Fantagraphics books, 1992, numb. 234/400, signed + The R....
Bouncer 1 to 3, Oog & Blik, 2002-2003 + Fre van der Mugge 1 to 4, Casterman, 1996-1999 - and 15 other publications. De Metabaronnen 0 to 7, edition: 300, Arboris, 1997-2003, hc....
Bloed & Stilte 1 to 13, Talent, 1997-2003 + De Killer 1 to 5, Casterman, 2000-2003 + Charly 1 to 11, Spotlight Dupuis, 1991-2004 - and another 4 albums. 32x hc. + 1x sc.
Hardcovers - De Meesters van de Gerst 1 to 8, 1st ed., 1992-1999 + Samber 1 to 5, 2003 - and 3 series.
De Tien Geboden 1 to 10 + De bewaker van de Lans 1 to 3 - and another 17 albums, all hc., 2000-2004.
De Prins van de Nacht 1 to 6 + Santiag 1, 2, 4, 5 + De Rovers van Keizerrijken 1 to 7 + De geheime driehoeken 1 to 7 + De Goudsmid 1 to 4 + Eva Medusa 1 to 3 + Tosca 1 to 3 + Witte...
Vae Victis! 1 to 10 + 13 (10x sc. + 1x hc.), Talent, 1996-2002 + Kroniek der Guldensporenslag 1 to 4, Talent, 2000 + De Onthoofde Arenden 1 to 6, Talent, 2003 + De Aasgieren 1...
De Pincet reeks, 33 mini albums in box by famous Dutch and Belgian comic artists + Baudoin 12x + Hooglied, Sherpa, 1989, numb. 29/50, signed + Guido van Driel 3x + Horizon, Griffioen...
Loustal, 14x, 1984-2003, hc. + The Will Eisner Sketchbook, Dark Horse Comics, 2003 + another 6 Eisner publications + Space Dog with Hendrik Dorgathen dedication, Rowohlt, 1993...
Dupuy & Berberian, 15x incl. Meneer Johan, with dedication in vol. 4 + Frank Pé, Ragebol 1 to 5, Spotlight Dupuis, 1987-2003 + Berthet, Pin-up 1 to 8, Dargaud, 1994-2002 + Sfar...
Highly diverse lot with e.g. Meneer Johan, De Pinguïns 1 to 4, Dick Bosch, Casanova's perfume, Adolf - Walter Moers, signed publications, picture postcards, bookmarks.
65 hardcovers from the Vrije Vlucht series by Uitg. Dupuis, incl. albums by Cosey, Marvano, Will, Hausman, Griffo, Gibrat (Het Uitstel 1 with wrapper and file), Makyo (Een hart...
Lot with Zoeloeland vol. 1-8. Ramaïoli Durand, Blitz, 1988-1999. All hc., and dedication by artist to previous owner. No. 7 with screen print, no. 8 with lovely full-page dedication...
last title on spine mostly Mannen op de Maan (10x) and Raket naar de Maan (4x),, Casterman, n.d. (copyright 1946-1955 and without copyright indication), contemporary uniform...
1952, Belgium. Blotter listing vol. 15. De Sterrenplukkers as the most recent issue. On verso an ad for the publication "Het Spaanse Spook" in mirror writing. 11 x 15 cm.
Facsimile bundlings of vols. 1952-1959. Sanoma 2003-2008. Entire 1950s complete in 15 bindings.
De Stem van het Volk. Tardi & Vautrin, Casterman, 2002-2004. 4 vols. complete in cassette + another 10 publications by Tardi, partly hc. + Gulliveriana. Manara, Jef Meert, 1996....
Rolf Kauka. 1959-1966. Lot with 35 half cloth bundling with 6 random Fix en Fox issues each + Dig en Dag introduction file containing issues G to L and accompying publisher's letter + 3 single issues.
Weekly publications. Various issues and bundlings from 7 February 1935 to 1954.
Dirk Vermeirre, 1989. 62 pp. Signed Willy Vandersteen-Imprint. First version complete with all 240 original strips, with separate preface signed by Vandersteen. Special employee's...
Lot with 10 French facsimile publications, Casterman, 1981-1989. All bound with cloth back.
With marker on reverse title page Het Boze Oog, 1960. Size 23.5 x 15 cm.
Two albums containing ca. 180 postcards, stickers and display figures. Incl. a Van Nelle card announcing Bulletje en Boonestaak, several early cards of Kuifje and Robbedoes.
R. Crumb Sketch Book Nov. 1974 to Jan. 1978. Zwei Tausend Eins, 1978. 310 pp. Half cloth in cassette + Eet op. Een Kookboek van Dana Crumb & Shery Cohen, illus. R. Crumb. Bert...
Nos. 1-19, 1970-1975. Incl. work by Joost Swarte and others + Modern Papier nos. 5-10, Real Free Press, 1971-72 + another 6 publications.
Lot with 8x Sunday news, 1955-56, 30x The Beezer, 1970 + 73x The Topper, 1969-1971 + 62x Vintage Funnies, with stamp Real Free Press.
Articulado. Open Circus Publication, La Ultima Edicion, 1989. Folio edition in branded wooden cover + RRRR#2, portfolio. In sliding file, 8 drawings for Humo weekly. Edition of...
De Avonturen van Jo Suus en Jokko, Casterman, 1951-1957. All in first edition. In fairly good condition, worn + Leo en Lea bij de Lapino's, Casterman, 1952. Name with pen on back,...
Indonesisch Dossier. G.L. Tichelman, with illustrations by Hans G. Kresse. Uitgeverij D.A.V.I.D., Amsterdam, 1956. With dedication by the author. Fine copy + Volk van Manitou....
Karl May, no 1-20. Uitgeverij Metropolis, 1964. Complete series in good condition + Falk, Metropolis, 1964-1966. 14 vols. from the series + Akim Liliput avonturenverhalen, 1954-1958....
1967, no. 13 (=first issue in magazine size) to 1969, no. 52 (=final issue).
Albert Heyn, 1967-1969. All copies of Heintje. Albert Heijn's Vrolijk Elke.14.Dagen.Blad + 29 of 32 subsequent weeklies, including the final issue and including the announcement...
India ink, ca. 1952. A horse runs off, Tieter flees, Suske and Wiske catch it and Commissaris Lambiek knows nothing. Full one-page gag from Ons Volkse weekly.
1995. Illegal edition in red cloth with pasted front plate. Number 11 of only 30 printed copies.
Lot with 54 vols. from the Favorietenreeks, 20 of which by Uitgeverij Lombard. The remainder by Helmond and Van der Hout. Incl. Chlorophyl, Barelli, Toenga and Spaghetti.
Paulus de Boskabouter. Derde Deeltje. Van Kippen, een boot en een voorgevoel. Jean Dulieu. Arbeiderspers, Amsterdam, 1948 + Promo flyer "Paulusboekjes! Kabouterprijsjes!" + De...
Lot with 26 Dick Bos stories from various series. In varying condition + De Wereld van Dick Bos. Rich Tomassen. Elmar, Rijswijk, 2003. 192 pp.
ca. 1955. Publisher unknown. 3 of a series of 6. Front Sjors and Sjimmie walking, Sjors and Sjimmie in a car and Sjors on skis. Added: Sjors van de Rebellenclub. 94 vrolijke vertellingen,...
Uitgeverij Franka, Aalden, 2004. Collector's Edition Kidnap. A334 of 475 copies. Signed. Deluxe cloth album with pasted front plate + cloth box with pasted front plate containing...
De Blauwe Driehoek. Albert Weinberg. Lombard Collectie, 1957. Including Kuifjes Punt. Bookblock shaken in binding, small worn patch on left-hand side front cover, else good + De...
Lot with 31 vols. from the Collectie Jong Europa series, 19 in first edition, Lombard - 12 edition Van der Hout or Helmond. Incl. Tante Zenobie, Pechvogel and Bruno Brazil.
Big Balloon, 1994-1998. Nos. 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15 (2x), 16 (2x), 17 (2x), 18 and 19. All in hc., all numbered and signed + 3 hc. Storm reprints.
Piet Durf. De Luchtroovers van Hoitika, Protin & Vuidar, 1937. Version with thicker cover + Les Pirates de L'Air de Hoitika (French version in used condition) + Avonturen van Wo-Wang...
1952-1992. 40 volumes of this weekly, complete.
Niki 't konijn. Badour (Sirius=Max Mayeu), Papeteries de Cheval, 1942. 39 pp. + Olive et Bangali. Texte de A. de Montgon. Dessins de J.P. Pinchon. 32 pp. + ZOZO. Ontdekkingsreiziger....
Meesterwerken in Beeld. Jan Waterschoot. Complete series of 6 vols. L. Opdebeek, 1954-55 + Het oude sprookje modern verteld en getekend. Ca. 1948. Complete series in 6 vols. +...
Vertigo, DC Comics, The Sandman. 1996-1998 (Gaiman, Kieth, Dringenberg): nos. 1-19 (lacks 6 and 15) + The Sandman, 1991-1995 (Gaiman, Dringenberg, Pratt): nos. 28-74 + The Sandman,...
Saga of the Swamp Thing. Alan Moore et al. Vertigo DC, 1987. Sc. + another 4 sc. bundlings + several bundlinges of Hellblazer and The Witching Hour + 36 bundlings of various other...
Marvel Comics: Daredevil Redemption; The Fall of the Kingpin; Fall from grace; Sc. + Marvel Comics, Knight: Daredevil nos. 1-91 (lacks nos. 55, 64, 65, 66, 75, 76, 77, 85, 86, 88, 89, 90), polybagged.
Dark Horse Comics, Conan, 2004: nos. 1-22 (lacks nos. 3, 8, 10, 11, 18), polybagged + Conan the Barbarian 1-3, polybagged + Conan the Barbarian the essential, nos. 1-25 in one...
DC Comics, Batman, The Dark Knight Returns; The Dark Knight Strikes Again; DK2; sc. + Image Comics, Batman, Spawn + Sin City 29x, sc., some polybagged + Daredevil 8x, several polybagged,...
Standaard Uitgeverij, 1993-1998. No. 6 to 59 (final vol.). Contains the first Suske en Wiske stories. Each deluxe hardcover with cloth back and with accompanying supplements. Partly sealed.
Hypnose onder nul. Daily, 1947. Poor copy. Light dam. along top cover, cover at spine loose in two parts + De Treinrovers, 1943. In 4 different editions + Een ballontocht naar...
Album containing the centrefold serials which appeared in Kleine Zondags Vriend, 1951. 71 pp. Incl. a number of Jacovitti covers of the magazines. Contents: Caramba. Een verhaal...
Bernardus Antonius Reith, Spaarnestad 1937-1954. 7 of 8 Monki vols. (lacks In Amerika). In varying condition + Gijsje Goochem's Guitenstreken. 5de Boek, Jacobus Grosman, Geïllustreerde...
De Avonturen van Nero. De Koffer-trilogie. Standaard Uitgeverij, no. 293/300. Hc. in half cloth. With signed screen print + De Bompa-trilogie. 1998. Idem, incl. screen print 210/500...
Arizona Love, Big Balloon, 1991. Deluxe edition, no. 227, signed by Giraud + Terreur over Kansas, Novedi, 1987. No. 83 of 450 copies. Numbered and signed. In cassette. Black cloth...
Strip from unpublished story. India ink with blue spot colour. Ca. 1954. Strip 29. 13.5 x 40 cm. Framed.
No. 1 to 47. Standaard 1998-2003. Lacks the final 6 issues, else complete series.
Marc Sleen. Jan Smet, Fernand Auwera, Stichting Mercator-Plantijn. Standaard Uitgeverij, 1984. 344 pp. Bound with dust jacket + Retrospectieve Marc Sleen. Marc Sleen fanclub, 2003....
De Jeugdige Jubilarissen. Willy Vandersteen ontmoet Pieter Bruegel. Stedelijk Museum Zwolle, 2005. With dedication Paul Geerts on inside cover. On back dedication Peter van Gucht.
41 x 22.5 cm. Publication in Het Vrije Volk. India ink on drawing paper. One of the almost 90 cartoons Julsing made for this daily newspaper. Added: the illustration in the newspaper itself.
India ink with gouache on paper. 22 x 18 cm. Ca. 1969.
Album no 7. No. 154-169, 149. (Trifle worn along edges and book binding at endpaper sl. tender) + Tarzan. Le grand magazine d'aventures. 8e année, No. 1 tp 12. A few pages loose...
Mirobolant. Aventures Aerodynamiques No 1. Joë Bing l'intrépide. et al. Marijac. ca. 1938, hc. with cloth back. Trifle worn along edges, else good + ZOZO explorateur. Franchi,...
Sir Francis Hook. De Reis naar de Maan + De Reis naar de Maan. [idem] + Sitah, het grote Opperhoofd + Karl May, De slavenkaravaan - and another 2 works. All K. Karlos, 1948. Stapled....
Vol. 1 to 25, Dargaud/Oberon/Novedi, 1978-1985. All in good condition - and 15 later vols. in softcover.
Morbus Gravis vol 1. Loempia, 1991. 64 p. Deluxe edition bound in red cloth, numbered hc. + Morbus Gravis vol. 2. Loempia, 1991. No. XXX, in blue cloth + Exces & Extase, 1996,...
Aram van de Eilanden. Het Nieuws van den Dag, 't Vrije Volksblad, Brussel, 1952 + the other 3 vols. from the series - and Aram en het zwaard van Palermo + De Gouden Horde + De...
Heinz, Windig & De Jong, nos. 1-24 Gezellig & Leuk/Oog & Blik, De Harmonie, 1988-2006 + Niet zeuren, Heinz! Oog & Blik, 2000 + notice of switch to another publisher by Windi &...
The complete set of 19 hc. volumes from the '40s-'50s. In varying condition. Several in fairly good condition, trifle worn along edges, others with heavier damage such as handwritten...
Fred Harman. Nos. 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7. Dupuis, 1949-1955. No. 2 and 4 in poor condition + Albums 1, 2 and 5, French edition, in fairly good to good condition.
Casterman, 1941. 30e mille. With 4 large colour plates. Reverse BDM A14bis. 123 pp.
"Singing the blues". India ink. Illustration 4, page 54 from the trilogy "Als de Katoen rijpt". Signed bottom r., MAZ '46.
"Protest". India ink. With sign. MAZ '45. From the trilogy "Als de Katoen rijpt".
Original drawing "...Wie Heinz niet leest zit er DIK naast..." 9 x 28.5 cm. Undated. Added: invitation card for celebrating the publication of the 20th Heinz album. Screen print. 29 x 11 cm.
Sjors. Voorzitter van de rebellenclub. Vijftig nieuwe vrolijke vertellingen 2, Spaarnestad, 1937. 123 pp. Half cloth with new cloth back and corners + 6 other early Sjors editions...
3 lithographs. Femme Bleue, Escale Galerie Desbois, 1986. 100 x 70 cm., framed + Le 14ème arrondissement de Paris, 60 x 46 cm. Offset, Les Nouvelles Editions Du Canal, signed - and 1 other work.
Vlaamse Reeks. Vol. 1-36 J. Hoste, 1948-1958. Complete.
Barney Jordan. Finely finished watercolour. 23 x 12 cm. Signature bottom r.
4 watercolours drawn by Hein de Kort for a short time for a TV show about dogs. All 37 x 26 cm.
Large completely finished drawing in India ink after De Tanden van de Draak. 2007. Signed bottom r.
Swarte, hors serie. Futuropolis, 1984. 92 pp. Hc. with dust jacket. Pasted plate on page 2. No. 102/500, signed, with inlay.
Futuropolis, 1987. 96 pp. Deluxe bound edition in cassette with inserted screen print. Edition of 123/150, signed.
Comic Section of the Los Angeles Examiner Sunday July 5th, 1908. 53 x 40 cm. Comic selection in 4 pp. that appeared weekly in this newspaper - and another 11 contemporary newspapers...
Kick Wilstra. Complete set of 7 pages from vol. 11, "Kick Wilstra Voetbalrevoluties", consisting of 7x two pages as published in the final comic. Also published in Ketelbinkiekrant...
The greatest Joker stories ever told. Sc., 288 pp. + Knightfall, 1-2. Sc.. 288 pp. + Legends of the World's finest, 1-3. Sc. + another 119 comics.
Lithography, numbered 538/719. 100 x 70 cm. Framed under glass. Signed by Schuiten and Peeters.