Door H.S. Isbrücker. Photo album with 14 pasted photos, all except one dated 20/9 1903, bound in gilt lettered cloth, oblong folio.
Gilze, 1928. 36 pp. Incomplete with 14 of 48 pictures.
Small size album complete with 72 silks of countries.
1958. Album with 20 squads, Kampioen in de Eredivisie, Oranje Voetbal (with packaged sausages), 1957/1958 season.
Large oblong album, half cloth, complete with 100 large plates and 100 result pictures. Including flyers and envelope.
Promotional publication, stand with the heads of the Dutch national team on orange plastic stand. 42 x 7 x 4 cm.
T.V.V. Willem II Kampioen. N.V.B. 1e klasse afd. V. 1942-1943. Diameter 36 cm. Marked on reverse RTT 8-7-1943.
De Nederland-Duitschland-Wedstrijd, zondag 24 maart 1912 te Zwolle. With photos of all players and those involved and their names. Used with postmark and picture stamp. A few sm....
IVCB 1e klasse zuid, 1935. Huldigingsboekje aangeboden aan de kranige spelers van ons kampioenselftal tgv den Huldigingsavond op Paaschmaandag 1935. 16 pp. stapled with marbled...
V.V.A. 50. 1901-1951. Anniversary issue 22 September 1951. Stapled, 4to, 25 pp. + Poster VVA junioren-toernooi. Zaterdag 16 en zondag 17 april 1949. With such teams as Ajax, D.W.S.,...
File with 46 original press photos of Feijenoord, late '60s-early '70s. With Ove Kindvall, Rinus Israels, Jan Zwartkruis, Ernst Happel, Wim Jansen and others.
39 issues of this magazine, all between 1928 and 1936. Most in fairly good to good condition. Some with loose covers, some tape residue, sm. tears etc.
Cup consisting of football carried by 7 hands. First half 20th century. Height 26 cm. On marble base.
De Nederlandsche Voetbalbond en al zijne wederwaardigheden sinds de oprichting. A.J. Bronkhorst. Oud-bestuurslid en Eerelid N.V.B., 1st ed., 1926. 448 pp. Sewn.
Certficate for (fencing) Master. "De ondergeteekende Meesters der Schermkunst verklaren dat zij bij het Generaal Assaut van den 19 februarij (1861) ter gelegenheid van den verjaardag...
Brevet de d'escrime. 62 x 48 cm. Hand-coloured lithography. Lithography VMartin, Vincennes, ca. 1850. Added: the original pasted certificate. "Accordé au Sieur Benot (?) felicien...
Championship photo C.S. Yper. Hulde aan onze kampioenen 1932-1933. IIIe Speciaal.