Williams Lectuur, series 2500-2800 in the Classics series, 1969-1974. All series complete: Aquaman vol. 2501 to 2536, De Flits nos. 2601 to 2636, Groene Lantaarn vol. 2701 to...
Classics international etc. 1956-1976. Complete serie, nos. 1-214. All in first edition. Most in fairly good to good condition.
Classics Nederland, 1957-1967. Near-complete series, nos. 1-132.
Classics Nederland, 1966-1970. Complete series of 163 vols. Most in good condition.
Classics Nederland, 1966-1971. Nos. 1901-1969. Complete series in fairly good condition.
Lot with 60 Classics Illustrated issues, in varying condition. Incl. vol. 1, "The Three Musketeers".
Jack Kirby, Stan Lee, Steve Ditko et al., Marvel Comics, New York, 1987-1989. Vol. 1-9. Bound with dust jacket. Incl. The Amazing Spiderman, The Fantastic Four, X-Men, The Avengers...
Spinneman no. 48 to 81 + De Vier Verdedigers no. 47 to 81 + X-mannen, no. 16 to 28 + de Wrekers no. 18 to 28 + Durfal no. 18-29 + Kapitein Marvel no. 4 + IJzerman no. 4. Classics Nederland 1971-1974.
Fred Penner, ATH, 1957-1962, 24 vols. + Ruimtevaart, Martin Lodewijk, ATH, 1957. 7 vols. (2 lacking reverse) + De Onbekende Stille, ATH, 1955-1958, 22 vols. + Tibor, Metropolis...
The Shadow 1-8, Archie Series, 1964. Complete series in fair to good condition + The Shadow DC series. No. 1-12, 1973-74 in good condition + 38 other editions of The Shadow.
Marbled covers, Vol. 1-10, 13 and 14. Stan Lee, Jack Kirby et al. with Captain America, The Fantastic Four, The X-Men, The Amazing Spiderman and The Avengers. From vol. 5 in first...
Marvel Entertainment Group, New York, 1981-2005. Stan Lee, Jack Kirby et al. with The Amazing Spiderman, Daredevil, The Fantastic Four, The Avengers and others. All in first edition...
Marvel Entertainment Group, New York, 2005-2006. Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, John Buscema et al. The Invincible Iron Man, The Human Torch, Captain America, The Fantastic Four, The Incredible...
Marvel, 2004. Volume I-III. Deluxe hc. Bound with dust jacket. Vols. II & III still in seal + Astonishing X-Men, Vol. 1, 2006. Still in seal + Marvel Masterworks, Marble Variants...
Vertigo/DC Comics. Deluxe hc. 11 vols. with dust jacket + Sandman. Season of Mists. Gaiman et al. DC Comics, 1992. Bound in leather - and The Sandman. The Wake. Neil Gaiman, Michael...
DC Archive Editions. Volume 1-4 and 6 (vol. 1 trifle dam. dust jacket, vols. 2 and 3 still in seal). DC, 1990-2005 + The Dark Knight, Archive Editions Volume 1-5 (vols. 4 and 5...
Batman, The Long Halloween. Jeph Loeb Tim Sale, DC, 1998. Hc. with dust jacket + Batman. Son of the demon. A Graphic Novel. Mike W. Barr and Jerry Bingham, DC Comics, 1987. Hc....
Marvel. Ultimate X-Men, Vol. 1-6. 2002-2006 (vols. 5 and 6 still in seal) + The Ultimates Vol. 1 + Ultimate Fantastic Four Vol. 1 and 2 (still in seal) - and another 2 works.
Jack Kirby. Marvel visionaries. Marvel deluxe, 2004. Hc. with dust jacket + Stan Lee. Marvel visionaries. Marvel deluxe, 2005. Hc. with dust jacket + Captain America. The Classic...
Nexus. Volume 1-4. Dark Horse Archives, 2005-2006. Hc. with dust jacket + Astro City. Kurt Bussiek. 4 vols. 1998-2005. Hc. with dust jacket + The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen....
Daredevil. Vol. 1-3 + 6. Dark Night, Deluxe, 2003. Hc. with dust jacket + another 2 Daredevil deluxe + The Complete Frank Miller Spider-Man. Deluxe hc. with dust jacket in relief,...
No. 1-100, DC, 1988-1995 + The green Lantern, DC, 1991-1994. 38 vols. from the series, incl. no. 0 - and another 14 vols.
Zap Comix no. 1, Robert Crumb, 1967. 3d printing, 35 cents + Zap Comix no. 2 + Zap Comix no. 5 + Young Lust no. 1 + Big Ass Comics no. 2 + Snatch Comics 1-3 - and another 14 early...
The Essential Silver Surver. Marvel Comics Vol. I, 1998. Stan Lee, John Buscema, Jack Kirby et al. + Essential Daredevil Vols. I & II + Essential Dr. Strange Vol. 2 + Essential...