Cover and binding decoration by J.B. Heukelom. Typography by J.G. Veldheer. Rotterdam, Vereeniging tot Bestrijding der Tuberculose/W.L. & J. Brusse, 192 p., abundantly illustrated,...
Ir. G. Knuttel Jr. H.J. Paris, Amsterdam, 1936. 139 pp. 4to. No. 1 of 40 numbered copies on laid paper, bound in vellum and provided with the signature of the author.
editions 1861 and 1870, bound in brown morocco, gilt edges, small 8vo.
par un Docteur en Droit. [Isidore van Overloop]. Bruxelles. H. Goemaere. 1864. Large 8vo, red morocco, title on spine in gilt stamping, arms of Belgium of front board with crown,...
which the Ancients had of India; and the progress of trade with that country prior to the discovery of the passage to it by the Cape of Good Hope. William Robertson. London. A....
A History. John Lothrop Motley. [3 volumes]. London. George Routledge and Sons. [1878]. Large 12mo, 3 volumes, leather, uniformly bound, title on spine in green and gilt stamping,...
Veehouders en Zuivelbereiders. Wed. J.C. Massee & Zoon. Goes. Printed by H.C.A. Thieme. Nijmegen. [Ca. 1900]. 8vo, leather, title on spine in gilt stamping, illustration on front...
Edward Abbott Parry. With illustrations by Athelstan D. Rusden. London. Smith, Elder & Co. 1899. 8vo, blue morocco with multicolour marbled boards, title on spine in red and gilt...
contributed to the Edinburgh Review. Lord Macaulay. [2 volumes] London. Longman, Green, Longman & Roberts. 1861. 2 volumes, small 8vo, brown morocco, title on spine with typographic...
M. Galland. (...) continués par M. Caussin de Perceval. Paris. Le Normant. 1806. 16mo, 9 volumes, uniformly bound, leather, title on spine in green and gilt stamping, boards with...
uitgegeven door zijn vriend Mulder. The Hague. D.A. Thieme. 1877-79. Small 8vo, 5 volumes, uniformly bound, half green morocco, marbled boards and endpapers, title on spine in...
Izaak Walton & Charles Cotton. Ed. by Richard le Gallienne. Illustrated by Edmund H. New. John Lane. The Bodley Head. London & New York. 1904. Small 8vo, half morocco, title on...
ca. 1752, both boards with large centered floral ornament enclosed by two gilt borders and floral corner-pieces, ribbed and gilt back, fine chintz-paper endpapers, 4to (26.5 x 21 cm.).
Gedenkzuil van den Nederlandschen Krijgsroem in Junij 1815. J. Scharp. The Hague. Johannes Allart. 1816. Large 8vo, new faux-leather binding, title on spine, line embroidery and...
Germany, 2nd half 17th century, boards decorated with a series of roll stamps and with heavily ribbed back, with two decorated copper clamps, folio.
4to, dark-red morocco, spine with female figure and "Album" in gilt stamping, boards blindstamped, line embroideries with floral motifs and centered geometric oval, endpapers of...
Het boek der psalmen, nevens Christelyke gezangen (...). Amsterdam & Antwerp, P. Meijer, Joh. Strander & Ant. Eichhorn, 1779, small 8vo, 2 parts in 1 volume, vii, 438;277 pp.,...