Chapchal Frères, Cigarettenfabriek, Leo Lauer, 1928. 26 pp. Complete with 80 pasted picture cards.
Han Hollander. N.V. Handel-Maatschappij Deli-Atjeh Amsterdam, 1937. Bound, 110 pp. Complete with 190 picture cards + Spark Sportief Actie Rode Kruis - Spark Sportparade. Klaas...
Large oblong album, half cloth, complete with 100 large plates and 100 result picture cards. Neat copy + Philips, Maastricht - De Regels van het Voetbalspel voor Spelers & Kijkers....
Album 3 - 1e + 2e deel. Oblong, cordbound, complete with all picture cards + Voetbal. Techniek en Tactiek. Album 1, C.J. Groothoff. Oblong, cordbound with reinforced spine - and...
der Philips' Sportvereeniging, 1938. 72 pp. Slightly soiled copy.
157 pp. Lovely copy. With 5 press photos by Flip Martens and others of matches from 1963. Incl. Huub Lenz scoring in the victory on R.B.C., and the 2-1 victory on Go Ahead that...
D.O.S. in gouden glans. 1901-1951. 72 pp. Lovely copy + Dos Klanken. Officieel orgaan der Utrechtsche athletiek-en voetbalvereen. 7th year no. 11, 1941 + 8th year no. 3/4 and 5/6,...
Lithography. George Aillaud, 1984. 75 x 57 cm.
Lithography, print Gallerie Maegth, 1982. Official poster for the football World Cup in Spain, 1982. 95 x 60 cm.
NAC Klok, officieel orgaan van de Bredasche Voetbal- en Athletiek-Vereeniging N.A.C. 164 nos. of this periodical between the 14th year 1947 and the 24th year 1957.
Sketchbook with 38 used pages. Stamp front A.H. Bijland, 4 Aug. 1928. Fine sketchbook with drawings of the Olympic Stadium, the Dutch hockey team, the FIFA board, players of the...
A.R. Caricaturistisch weekblad. Collected volume with 6th year Oct. '27-Sept. '28. Bureau van Uitgave, Arnhem. With various caricatures and commentaries on the Olympics.
Born to Win! Aldine Football-stories, no 1. Jack Wylde, Aldine publishing, London, ca. 1925. 66 pp., 8vo. Rare pulp magazine. And nos. 2, 4, 7 and 8 from the same series.
13th year, 1953. Nos. 1-12 bound in half-cloth binding. Each no. 20 pp.
Bekroonde beschrijving door den 1en prijswinner M. Hoekstra Azn., van Warga. Uitgegeven in opdracht en met medewerking van "De Friesche Ijsbond" door de N.V. Uitgevers Mij. De...
Paris, Librairies-Imprimeries Réunies, 1894, (4),229,(3) p., with many illustrations, original wrapper.
50 jaar U.V.V. 1902-1952, Utrecht, 1952 + no. 3, 4, 6, 8-12 of U.V.V. Nieuws, 22nd year 1934 - and U.V.V. Nieuws 23rd year, 1935, nos. 1, 2, 7, 8, 9 and 11 - and 3 old original...
Gedenkboek D.V.A. en C.V. Concordia, 1885-1925. Redactie Ir. E.H. Jager et al. Sc. In half cloth, 90 pp. Including menu with signatures of players incl. signature of Jan Thomée...