
Indonesia: Lots 1350 - 1373

Auction 21
SOLD €150,00
LOT 1350
€150,00 - €300,00
Cambodge et Java

Ruines Khmères et Javanaises 1893-1894. Texte et dessins Albert Tissandier. 30 planches hors texte et 1 carte. 52 gravures et plans. Paris, G. Masson, 1896.

Auction 21
SOLD €100,00
LOT 1351
€80,00 - €140,00
Balinese sculpture

Finely carved tropical wooden art deco sculpture of a Balinese boy sitting with a cock. Height 35 cm. Circa 1920. In very good condition.

Auction 21
SOLD €200,00
LOT 1352
€75,00 - €150,00
Nederlandsch Indische Jaarbeurs Vereeniging te Bandoeng

Eerediploma uitgereikt aan den Heer W.C. A. H. van der Hoeven wegens bijzondere verdiensten bij het samenstellen eener waardevolle collectieve inzending uit Nederland (voor de...

Auction 21
LOT 1353
€125,00 - €250,00
[Java] De Residentie Pas[s]oeroeang op het Eiland Java.

H.I. Domis. The Hague, H.S.J. de Groot, 1836. 8vo, halfleather, title on spine in gilt stamping, lithographed title page, a map before the text and 2 lithographs, all by J.D. Steuerwald,...

Auction 21
SOLD €130,00
LOT 1354
€80,00 - €150,00
Werken van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde

van Nederlandsch-Indië. Tweede Afdeeling. Afzonderlijke Werken. S. Müller. Reizen in den Indischen Archipel. I & II. [Two parts in one volume]. Amsterdam, Frederik Muller, 1857.

Auction 21
SOLD €800,00
LOT 1355
€700,00 - €1200,00
[Police actions] Photo archive W.M. van der Leeuw

Impressive photo archive of Commandant Midden Java 1947-1950 W.M. van der Leeuw, Captain of Infantry and officer of Special Services for the Military Court there, stationed at...

Auction 21
SOLD €1100,00
LOT 1356
€1000,00 - €2000,00
[Facsimiles] Grote Atlas van de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie, vols. I-VII

I. Atlas Isaak de Graaf/Atlas Amsterdam. Günter Schilder et al. Asia Maior, Voorburg, 2006; II. Java en Madoera. Gerrit Knaap et al. Voorburg, 2007; III. Indische Archipel en Oceanië....

Auction 21
SOLD €260,00
LOT 1357
€250,00 - €450,00
Grote atlas van de West-Indische Compagnie

Vol. I: De Oude WIC, 1621-1674 + vol. II: De Nieuwe WIC, 1674-1791. Voorburg, Asia Maior, 2011-12. 416 + 472 p. Folio in cassette. Complete set in good condition.

Auction 21
SOLD €70,00
LOT 1358
€70,00 - €140,00
Three items: (1) Photo book with 12 inserted albumen photos,

c. 1925, each photo 12 x 18 cm., decorated tiebound cardboard, 19 x 26 cm.

Auction 21
LOT 1359
€70,00 - €120,00
Busts man and woman

Indonesia, first half 20th century. Mahogany. Height each ± 21 cm.

Auction 21
SOLD €800,00
LOT 1360
€600,00 - €900,00
R.D.M. Verbeek. Krakatau

Platenatlas. Brussels, Institute National de Geographie, (1884). Atlas vol. with 25 chromolithographic illustrations on 9 plates. Plates loose, without portfolio. Plates each 43 x 60 cm.

Auction 21
SOLD €80,00
LOT 1361
€60,00 - €90,00
[Batik] Kementerian Perekonomian Djawatan

perindusterian Batik Penjelididikan Bataaik. Jogjakarta, Balai Penjelidikan Batik & Keradjinan/ Batik Research Centre, (c. 1952). Original cordbound boards, oblong 8vo. Front board...

Auction 21
SOLD €70,00
LOT 1362
€70,00 - €120,00
W.O.J. Nieuwenkamp (1874-1950)

Zeewind I, Semeru, East Java. Original sepia-coloured lithograph, 60 x 46 cm. Lithography Topografische Inrichting, Batavia, 1918. Signed b.r. In mount.

Auction 21
SOLD €160,00
LOT 1363
€70,00 - €120,00
Wereld-kalender + Draaibare Sterrenkaart voor de Tropen

Wereld-Kalender aangeboden door Ed. Franzen & Co. Venduhouders - Commissionairs. Weltevreden, 1900. Cardboard calendar, 41.5 x 29 cm. Centered a disc, with instructions for operation...

Auction 21
SOLD €90,00
LOT 1364
€70,00 - €120,00
Nederlandsch-Indisch Oorlogsspel

Premie op Warendorf's Geillustreerde Familiekalender 1903. Amsterdamse Boek- en Steendrukkerij vh. Ellerman, Harms & Co. Goose-game-like with 99 squares. Rules on bottom of game....

Auction 21
LOT 1365
€70,00 - €120,00
Lot with 2 Platen voor Spreekonderwijs

J.W. Croes. The Hague, Blandkwaardt & Schoonhoven, c. 1910. 2 lithographed leaves each with 6 plates, each 105 x 42.5 cm. Designed by W.K. de Bruin, lithography L. van Leer & Co,...

Auction 21
SOLD €100,00
LOT 1366
€100,00 - €200,00
Résultats scientifiques du voyage aux Indes Orientales Néerlandaises.

Vol. I, II part I and II, IV. V. van Straelen, Brussels, 1933. 4to, halfleather. Uniformly bound. Incl. many plates of insects, shells, etc. + Memoires du Musee Royal d'Histoire...

Auction 21
SOLD €260,00
LOT 1367
€70,00 - €120,00
Picture postcards Dutch Indies

Lot with 83 circulated picture postcards from the Dutch Indies, between c. 1900 and 1920. All inserted in binder.

Auction 21
SOLD €80,00
LOT 1368
€80,00 - €150,00
Voyage of H.M.S. Dido to Borneo

H. Keppel. London, Chapman & Hall, 1846. In halfleather with blindstamping Carolus Porcher. Small 4to. 2 vols. complete with plates and maps (mild foxing).

Auction 21
LOT 1369
€70,00 - €120,00
Original drawing "Buitenzorg 23 sept 1909"

Comic-strip depiction of the life of a colonial administrator (?) with scenes in e.g. Buitenzorg, New Guinea and Puncak. Ink on thick paper, 66 x 50.5 cm. Signed "T. Läry".

Auction 21
SOLD €60,00
LOT 1370
€60,00 - €90,00
Telefoongids Soerabaja 1939

no. 153. 101 p. + Gids voor Indië, 1935. Dam. to edges + flyer Indra Kamadjojo. Ambassador of the Indonesian dance + invoice Het Centrum A. & R. Diemont. Handel in: photographie...

Auction 21
LOT 1371
€200,00 - €300,00
Grote Atlas van de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie, vol. I

Atlas Isaak de Graaf/Atlas Amsterdam. Günter Schilder et al. Asia Maior, Voorburg, 2006. Bound with dust jacket in cassette.

Auction 21
LOT 1372
€60,00 - €90,00
[Sumatra] Terres et Peuples de Sumatra

Octave J.A. Collet. Ouvrage orné de 150 dessins ou graphiques et de 180 planches hors texte ainsi que d'une grande carte en couleurs. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1925. 4to, brown cloth...

Auction 21
SOLD €200,00
LOT 1373
€70,00 - €120,00
[Police actions] Lot with 9

'Amsterdam's Politie op Speurtocht te Bali. (...) Het land van Tempels en Tepels!'. Anon., n.d. Illustration in pencil and watercolour. 24 x 16 cm + 'Wij zullen jullie nooit vergeten',...


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