Deerhorn netsuke in the shape of an evil Japanese spirit dressed in a cape. Unsigned. Circa 1850. Height 4.6 cm.
Ivory, in the shape of a man sitting on a fantasy animal with broom. Bottom signed Set Guryo. Circa 1880. Height 4 cm.
Ivory, with fine detailed Catonese carving of a landscape with many figures. With on the front a smooth oval. Canton, c. 1850. Length 11.3 cm.
Ivory, 2 puzzle balls on accompanying stands. Cantonese carving. Balls consist of 5 and 6 independently revolving spheres. Total height ± 17.5 and 15.5 cm.
Ivory, in the shape of a sitting man with beard and drum. Signed on bottom. Circa 1850. Height 4,4 cm.
Ivory, in the shape of a reclining Hotei with fan. Signed with characters. Japan, Meiji era. Length 4.7 cm.
Wood with lacquer and ivory valves with Shibiyama technique marquetry of insects. Meiji era. Length 9.1 cm.
Ivory, scene of an old man with flute and ox. Bottom signed. Length 4.2 cm.
Japanese porcelain Hirado netsuke. In the shape of Sambaso dancer with movable head. Meiji era. Height 5.5 cm.
Ivory, in the shape of a monkey on a shield, with an evil spirit hiding underneath. Signed with characters. Circa 1850. Length 4 cm.
Porcelain, with decoration of traveller in landscape with water buffalo. Fritting along top edge. China, 19th century. Height 7.7 cm.
Ivory, scene of a sitting drinking man with monkey on his lap. Signed. Late 19th century. Height 4.3 cm.
Ivory, manju netsuke with openworked decoration in Cantonese carving of a landscape with figures and temple. Circa 1850. Diameter 3.7 cm.
Ivory, in the shape of a sitting man on pillow with fan in his hand. Bottom with decoration. Unsigned. Circa 1850. Height 3.8 cm.
Ivory, in the shape of a rat eating a fruit. Bottom signed. Circa 1880. Height 6.7 cm.
Ivory, in the shape of a man committing Harakiri. Bottom foot signed with characters. Circa 1880. Height 5.5 cm.
Ivory, in the shape of a Daruma. Height 2.3 cm. With another netsuke of a sitting, thinking man. Height 2.2 cm. Both c. 1880.
For a cane, with finely carved floral Cantonese decoration and silver ring. Circa 1860. Length 24.2 cm.
Ivory, Cantonese decoration of a dragon on lid. Outside with figures in landscape. Circa 1860. Diameter 4.2 cm.
Black hard wooden netsuke in the shape of a basket with flower bouquet. Bottom signed. Height 4.1 cm. With peach pit with fine Cantonese decoration on accompanying wooden base....
Wood, in the shape of a reclining man in robe. Height 3.9 cm. With another okimono, height 5.8 cm.
Deerhorn sculpture of an Indian evil spirit. Circa 1900. Height 13 cm.
Ivory, in the shape of Pegasus running across the clouds. Height 3.8 cm. Bottom marked with characters. In antique Japanese wooden box.
Deerhorn sculpture with decoration of various Indian figures and spirits. Circa 1900. Height 12.2 cm.
Ivory, in the shape of a crouching tiger. Bottom signed. Circa 1880. Length 4.4 cm.
Porcelain, with decoration in blue and pink of figures in garden. Bottom marked with 6 character mark. Height 8.5 cm.
Album with 12 loosely inlaid pith paper images of ships. Each ± 16 x 21 cm.
Deerhorn sculpture of 12 frogs on a tree stump. Placed on marble. China, second half 19th century. Length horn 23 cm.