Maandblad onder redactie van Jan Wiegers en J.G. Jordens beeldende kunst, A. Defresne letterkunde, Daniel Ruyneman muziek. Groningen, H.N. Werkman, 1921, (20) p., with original...
des Théatres et des Cafés-Concerts Menus Cartes d'Invitation, petites Estampes etc. par Ernest Muindron. Paris, Per Lamm ed., 1897. 40 text p. and 63 ills. Bound in green cloth...
No. 1-52. Paris, Schwarz, 1901-1902. Complete first year in 52 issues bound in the orig. deluxe jugendstil publisher's binding, beige cloth with orange decoration, front board...
3rd year, June-July 1920, no. 6 and 7. Amsterdam, De Hooge Brug, 1920, 24 p., profusely illustrated, bound as blockbook in cordbound lithographed boards after design by R.N. Roland Holst, large 4to.
Devoted to advertising posters by Dutch artists. Accompanying text by Jac. Jongert. Amsterdam, De Hooge Brug, 1923, 18 p., profusely illustrated, bound as blockbook in original...
(Amsterdam, Experimentele Groep, 1948-1949), vol. 1 with (8) p. (incl. wrapper), 4 lithographs by Appel, Constant, Corneille and J. Nieuwenhuis, stapled lithographic wrapper by...
Paris, 10 November 1894 to 31 December 1898, 217 nos., profusely illustrated, uniformly bound in 2 vols. in gilt-lettered and ribbed halfmorocco, large 4to.
Publ. by Kolvo, Ghent. Nos. 21, 23 to 26, 32, 36, 41, 44 to 68, 70, 74, 76, 78, 82, 84, 85, 93, 94, 99, 105, 109, 111 and 112.
Geïllustreerd maandschrift voor vrouwenbelangen in gezin en maatschappij onder redactie van Elis M. Rogge. Complete years: 5, 6, 8, 26-28, 31, 32 and 36. Incomplete years: 16-18,...
The Life-Work of the American Architect Frank Lloyd Wright (= Wendingen 3-9, 1925). 164 pp. 33 x 32 cm. First English edition. Bound in grey cloth with red leather spine title...
No. 51, 1952 + no. 64, 1954. Small stain to front + no. 65, 1954 + no. 73, 1955. Back cover with water stain and small tear + no. 74/75/76, 1955. Front with water stain along top...
Complete series of 211 nos. between series 2 no. 3/4, 1957 and no. 2/3, 1989 + Kunst & Museumjournaal nos. 1 and 2/3, 1989. Incl. series 9 no. 5/6, with original wrapper by Lucio...
Manifest Filmliga 1929. 4 p. Photomontage front, characteristic b/w typography. Middle fold + Het derde jaar filmliga. Brochure 1929/1930 + Studio '32, folding brochure in 3 parts....
Manifest mei 1927 Filmliga Amsterdam. Extremely rare flyer of the interim board and technical advisors Henrik Scholte, Menno ter Braak, Joris Ivens, Charley Toorop, L.J. Jordaan...
Issue complete with the linocuts by Henri-Matisse, Henri Laurens, Miró, Arp, Magnelli, Giorgio de Chirico, Zadkine and Hélion and colour lithographs by Marcel Duchamp and Max Bill.
Jan Donia & Jan van Munster et al., 1972-74. Complete set of 12 issues. Periodical devoted to modern art with articles on Dekkers, Ginsberg, Woody van Amen, Bury, Richard Long,...
Year 2, 1928/29 no. 2-8; year 3, 1929/30 no. 1-10 (in 8 nos.); no. 1, 1931; no. 7 and 10, 1932; nos. 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11/12, 1934 and 4, 7/8 and 9 of 1935. Partly with loose...
Paris, Jacqueline de Jong, 1967, with 33 original colour lithographs, original wrapper, 4to.
14-daagsch tijdschrift van de architektengroep "De 8" Amsterdam en "Opbouw", Rotterdam. 7th and 8th year. Amsterdam, Van Holkema & Warendorf, 1936-1937, 2 vols., 316/ 255 p., many...
Onder de redactie van C.J. Graadt van Roggen. Rotterdam, W.L. & J. Brusse, 1931-1933, 10 vols., with many illustrations, original uniform wrapper by Piet Zwart.
Paris, G. Fall, 1967-1976, 14 nos., profusely illustrated, original wrappers, 4to.
Verlag der Graphischen Jährlich einmal erscheinende Vorlagen-Sammlung für Setzer, Drucker, Graphiker, Reproduktionstechniker und Werbefachleute. Berlin, Verlag Deutscher Drucker,...
First year, volume with nos. 1-52. Ed. by H. Th. Wijdeveld, contributors K. de Bazel, J.C. Blaauw, Jac Jongert et al. In original binding designed by Wijdeveld.
Editions d'Art Charles Moreau, Deberny & Peignot, c. 1927. Portfolio in orig. publisher's file, ribbonbound. 49 planches, incl. 6 pochoirs by Piet Zwart, J. Tschichold, A.M. Cassandre,...
47 nos. of this periodical between 1912-1914, incl. le Numéro Exceptionnel, 15 mai 1912, conc. the 7me Saison des Ballets Russes. Cover illustration by Léon Bakst - added Col....
Monatshefte für Architektur und Raumkunst. Stuttgart, 1904-1944. Years 4-43 (last year). Years with various bindings. Final year in orig. pictorial dust jacket.
Bulletin bi-mensuel de la Fédération Patronale Belge des Industries du Livre. Vols. 1-14. Bruxelles, 1920-1933. Uniformly bound set, with original wrappers preserved. With various fine advertisements.
Orgaan van de Kon. Maatschappij tot Bevordering der Bouwkunst/ Bond van Nederlandse Architecten (en het Genootschap Architectura et Amicitia). Eds. H.Th. Wijdeveld, H.C. Verkruysen,...