Complete set of 14 paper sample books (incl. "Handels-enveloppen", "Bijpassende enveloppen", and "Bankpost" and several sm. catalogues, 1960. In orig. Lips metal case, 41.5 x 85...
Complete set of XII paper sample faux leather folders in wooden case, ca. 1955.
Set of 10 folders containing a "Monster collectie". Paper samples such as Manilla karton, Doorslag-Luchtpost, Hollands druk and Simili Japnon. Ca. 1975. In orig. plastic case, 24 x 40.5 x 17 cm.
Ca. 1985-90. Complete set of 3 cases containing 23 folders w. paper samples. In 3 orig. wooden cases. Cases: (1) 45 x 47 x 39 cm. (2 and 3) 42 x 31 x 29 cm.
Cardboard display, ca. 1937. 28.5 x 22 cm.
Impressions and biographical impressions by A. Pitt, W. Steenhoff and others. Amst., Scheltema en Holkema's boekhandel, 1902. (6),178 p. Folio (51 x 41 cm). Gilt-stamped and relief...
Lexikon des gesamten Buchwesens. Vol. I-IX. Hiersemann, 1987-2007. Unif. set in red gilt cl. Incl. Register zu den Bänden I-IV.
Rijksmuseum, 2016. Ed. of 1.500 copies. Bound, w. bookmarks.
203 p. Sc., felt-covered flexible wr., blind-embossed title lettering in blue and yellow.
Letterproef. Spécimen de Caractères. Ca. 1930. XX,455 p. P. IX/X sl. dam.
Ein Handbuch für zeitgemäss Schaffende. Berlin, Verlag des Bildungsverbandes des deutschen Buchdrucker, 1928. 240 p. Orig. cl., ill.
Grundbegriffe der Neuen Typographie in Bildbeispielen für Setzer, Werbefachleute, Drucksachenverbraucher und Bibliofilen. Stuttg., Akademischer Verlag Dr. Fritz Wedekind & Co.,...
Langcat Bussum, ca. 1955. 31 x 47 cm. Flat fold. edge. Minor dam. to edges, otherwise well preserved.
Fine copy, minor dam. bottom right. Publ. unknown, ca. 1948. 37 x 57 cm.
Enamel sign, ca. 1935. 57 x 43 cm. Flat fold. edge. Dam. to edges and plate.
Paris, La Compagnie typographique, 1934. 175,(8) p. Large 8vo. No. 24 of 88 numb. copies. Orig. dec. boards, title label on spine and front cover, matching slipcase, incl. 4 p....
Grafische Cultuurstichting, 2005. Unopened copy. Signed on box by Irma Boom.
Rott., 010, 1997. 428,(2) p. Large 8vo. Orig. wr., num. (col.) ills., incl. a catalogue raisonnée.
Bij gelegenheid van het Vijf-en-Zeventigjarig bestaan der Vereeniging ter Bevordering van de Belangen des Boekhandels 1817-1892. Amst., 1892. 196 p. 4to. Orig. threadbound wr.,...