[Suriname] H.R. Wullschlägel. Deutsch-Negerenglishes Wörterbuch.
Nebst einem Anhang, Negerenglische Sprüchwörter enthaltend. Löbau, J.A. Duroldt, 1856, X,340 p., original cover.
Front cover with tears to spine and slightly stained, yet a very good, mostly unopened and uncut copy. The first edition of the first German-Creole dictionary. The author was a missionary in Suriname, who lacked such a dictionary in his work and so produced his own. The "Anhang" contains 707 expressions, of which we present one example here: "Baána no moe kiki koffi, en koffi no moe kiki baána." "Wir beide müssen uns zuchen zu vertragen: es ist Platz für uns beide."