Bijster. Twee-maandelijkse uitgave van de Bezige Bij.
First volume, no. 1-6 [= all]. Eds. Remco Campert and Geertjan Lubberhuizen. Amsterdam, 1969, 6 issues, 30 to 33 p., abundantly illustrated, original wrappers, folio (Bijster I tender and with small tears/ tanning to spine).
Good, complete set of this relatively rare, erotic magazine, with contributions by or about Ed van der Elsken, W.F. Hermans, Hugo Claus, Elsa Botenbauwer, Bob Dylan, Jerzy Kosinsky, R. Crumb, etc. In his contribution, Andreas Burnier calls the magazine "masturbatiestof voor heren". Each issue contains nude photos taken by Van der Elsken, most of the cover photos too were made by him.