[Architecture] Dutch magazines
Levende kunst: Nederlandsch maandschrift, gewijd aan de hedendaagsche bouwkunst (...). Onder leiding van Co Brandes. First volume 1918. 246 pp. In binding with blindstamp H. Pander & Zonen, Meubelfabriek on front board. With: Onze Kunst: Voortzetting van de Vlaamsche School. Second volume 1903 in 2 bindings (per half year, bookblocks loose from spine), with: 7 loose issues of this monthly (1903-1911, traces of use). And: Art & Decoration: Revue mensuelle d'art moderne. 14 issues of this magazine (1928-1929, traces of use).
Added: two bundles of Art & Decoration, 1900 & 1902, with water damage (total 26).