[Fables] C.F. Gellerts Fabelen en Vertelsels, in Nederduitsche Vaerzen gevolgd.
Amsterdam, P. Meijer, 1774-1782, 3 volumes, (4),166,(2); (2),168,(3); (4)155,(5) p., with engraved frontispiece, 3 engraved title vignettes and 149 engraved plates by N. van der Meer after J. Buys, contemporary uniform polished half calf, gilt backs with raised bands with morocco title shields.
Each volume with ex libris and library stamps on inside front board; here and there (vaguely) waterstained and outer corners with light wear. Pieter Meijer printed various nearly identical editions of this work in quick succession, volume 3 is from a different edition from the other two volumes. A lovely bound set with all plates.