[Furniture] Lot with 22 trade catalogues in French,
1894-ca. 1930, nearly all illustrated, original wrapper or half cloth, various sizes (partly in poor condition).
Contains for example Tarif Pitch-Pin D.B. 1894 (Caen, 1894); Velours d'Amiens. Hommes, dames, ameublement Hiver 1931-1932 S.L.V. (with 15 pasted pieces of velours); A. Bellot, l'Avenir du Meuble Journal des achats pour Ameublement (1896); L'Ameublement et le garde-meuble reunis, year 18, no. 1-6 (H. Vial, 1927, six single issues) and various works on chairs by "N.M." and "Ph.F." (incl. 1 double). Added ca. 30 loose plates from or accompanying similar works, partly by the publishers of the aforementioned trade catalogues (total 20 in books and 30 plates, sold w.a.f.).