
LOT 271
SOLD €100,00

[Classics] Philostrati Lemnii Senioris Historiae

de vita Apollonij Tyanei libri octo. Alemano Rhinuccino Florentina interprete (...) Lutetiae. Gulielmum Cavellat. 1555. 16mo, new binding, paper covered, (30),634 pp. Combined with: Anacreontis Carmina Acc. selecta quaedam e lyricorum reliquiis. Strassburg. J.G. Treuttel. 1786, 12mo, leather.

And: Theophrasti Characteres Ethici. Ex rec. Petri Needham et versione Latina Isaaci Casauboni. Glasgow. Robertis Foulis. 1743, small 8vo, vellum, and: The Characters of Theophrastus, with a strictly literal translation of the Greek into Latin, and with notes and observations on the text, in English (...) by the late R. Newton. Oxford. R. Clements, J. Fletcher a.o. 1754. (total 4)

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