[Vulcanology] Five titles in 12 vols.: (1) The problem of Krakatao as seen by a botanist.
By C.A. Backer, formerly government botanist for the flora of Java. Weltevreden/ The Hague, Visser & Co./ M. Nijhoff, n.d. (1929), (6),299 p., with 3 illustrations on plates, original cardboard, 4to (cardboard with some wear/ minor defects).
With signed dedication in pen by the author on the free endpaper, dated "Pasveroean, 24 Mei 1929". Also with name T.H. van den Honert in pen on the title page; (2) De Kloetramp van 20 mei 1919. Rijk geïllustreerd met reproducties naar foto's, den dag na de ramp genomen (...) samengesteld onder redactie van J. Koning. N.pl. (Surabaya), Soerabajasch Handelsblad en Drukkerijen, 1919, IX,(3),228,(3) p., with illustrations, original half cloth, folio (minor defects); 3) The fauna of Krakatau 1883-1933 by K.W. Dammerman. Amsterdam, Noord-Hollandsche Uitgevers Mij., 1948, XII,594 p., with 11 plates, original wrapper. Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, afd. Natuurkunde tweede sectie, deel XLIV. And with 9 more, incl. 8 numbers of the Bulletin of the Netherlands Indies Vulcanological Survey (total 5 titles in 12 volumes).