[Russian avant-garde] 10 titles: (1) A legacy regained: Nikolai Khardzhiev
and the Russian Avant-garde. N.pl., Palace Editions, 2002, 400 p., abundantly illustrated, original cardboard with dust jacket, large 4to.
(2) Tatlin. Edited by Larissa Alekseevna Zhadova. New York, Rizzoli, 1988, 533 p., abundantly illustrated, original cloth with dust jacket, 4to; (3) Naum Gabo. Constructions, sculptures, peinture, dessins, gravure. Introductions de Herbert Read, Leslie Martin. Neuchatel, Éditions du Griffon, 1961, 201 p., 136 (coloured) illustrations, plastic glasses in pocket in back board, original cloth with dust jacket, 4to. And with another 7 similar works on/ by Mayakovsky, Malevich, Russian and Soviet theatre and works on Russian art 1910-1934, 1915-1932 and 1928-1945 (total 10).