Lot of 17 titles: (1) Y Tunnel - Amsterdam. Plan T.C. Groot
Industrieel Amsterdam-Noord. Amsterdam, Februari 1939, coloured photogr. plate w. facing letterpress legend "Beschrijving tunnel-maquette" (plate and text separated by a flimsy), on the inside of a stiff paper bifolium with the aforementioned title on front, oblong, 17 x 24.5 cm.
Outside of bifolium partly foxed/ dustsoiled. Lovely, rare pre-war plan for a tunnel under the Y river, only 1 copy in PiCarta; (2) Oud Amsterdam. (Amsterdam, without publisher [J V.A. printed on front wrapper], tourist booklet cont. 16 tinted lithogr. views, stapled in orig. illustrated wrapper, oblong, 13.5 x 19.5 cm. Offsetting from rusty staples, else in fine condition. A rare reprint without text of the edition 1883; (3) Amsterdam en de Amsterdammers, door een Amsterdammer. Deventer, A.J. van den Sigtenhorst, 1875, (6),118,(1) p., orig. col. lithogr. wrappers. Internal scribbling/ notes in pencil. Bookblock falling apart; (4) In de Kalverstraat, Een drietal losse bladen uit de geschiedenis van Amsterdam, door J. ter Gouw. Amsterdam, W.H. Zeelt, 1866, 70,(2) p., orig. stiff paper col. lithogr. wrappers. Paper splitting on spine, wrappers loosening. And 13 more. (total 17)