[Diary with signatures of famous actors] “Tagebuch von Ingeborg Rose”
Diary consisting of ca. 200 pages of handwriting in pen, text in German and English (and even some French), dated “Nancy, 23.6.32” (1932) to “München 11.9.35”, with 14 pasted potrait photographs of famous actors and their signatures/dedications in pen, bound in silk binding with copper lock (defect) and gilt edges, 18.5 x 15.5 cm.
Diary of a romantic theatre aficionado and true autograph hunter. The header already reveals much about the intentions of the author: "Dieses Buch soll mir meine schönste Zeit, meine schönsten Erlebnisse, meine Teuersten Bekanntschaften verewigen und für immer in meinem Gedächtnis wachrufen."
Immediately, the diary presents one "Jacques" (she meets him at a matinee where she dances with him) and over the course of ca. 60 pages the diary concerns mostly her fanatical love for him. But it all turns to nothing, as he wants to stay faithful to his girlfriend ("mein Traum ist zu Ende!!!"); eventually she wants to rid herself of him as soon as possible and she is glad he had not become a better friend. Fortunately, the diary ends with the story of a new love, Peppino Civitelli, with the following closing sentence: “Und nun zum Schluss als letztes Wort in dieses, mein Tagebuch sei geschrieben. Du Peppino, ich liebe Dich, nur Dich!”
But between these two romantic episodes lies the most interesting part of the diary: nearly 100 pages written in London, where the author stayed from 10 October 1933 to 8 May 1935, apparently in the posh 57 Kensington Gardens Square. She ends this episode - written mostly in English - with the following: "I had a very fine life in England and I wish to return here where I loved to live. But now I have to return home and for the first I must live with the memory of my London." Immediately, it becomes clear that she had a good time: during that period she visited a large number of London theatres (mostly Shakespeare plays) and met many actors in person. She lovingly describes these meetings. She included portrait photos of many of them. The actors have written autographs and dedications in pen on the photos and pages from the diary:
Anew McMaster as Hamlet (with quote from the play, signed); Ivor Novello (signed portrait); Pierre Fresnay (signed dedication); John Gielgud as Richard of Bordeaux (signed portrait and separate signature); Marjorie Mars (signed portrait); Basil Bartlett (portrait with signed dedication and separate signed dedication); Marie Ney (portrait with signed dedication and separate signed dedication); Raymond Massey (portrait with signed dedication); Yvonne Printemps (portrait with signed dedication and separate signed dedication); Noel Coward (portrait besides his signature); Peggy Ashcroft (signature); Ian Swinley (signed dedication); Elizabeth Bergner (signed portrait).