[Law] Corpus Juris Civilis
Pandectis ad florentinum archetypum expressis (...). D. Godefroy. Amsterdam/Leiden, J. Blaeu & L. & D. Elzevier/ F. Hack, 1663. Allegorical frontispiece and woodcut vignette on title page. (17), 796 pp. Leather, gilt and ribbed spine. Splitting on joints, leather title vignette on spine loose + Justiniani sacratissimi principis PP. A. Codicis, repetitae praelectionis libri XII. Bound with: Consuetudines feudorum. Constitutiones Friderich II. Imper. Extravagantes. Liber de pace constantiae. Epitome Feudorum. N. pl., n.publ., n.d. (11), 300, 92, (39) pp. Bound uniformly with the former work. Some pp. with waterst. in lower right corner, joints splitting, leather sl. rubbed.
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