
LOT 696
SOLD €70,00

Herms. Oldenkott & Zoonen, Tabakskerverij, Amsterdam - Vogel-album - and 5 others

Bird album, 1917. Complete with 192 pictures + Bird album 2nd series, 1922, complete with 192 pictures + W. Hagelberg's Zoölogische hand-Atlas. A. Zoogdieren. Ca. 1898. Spine restored with tape + Verkade - Hans de Torenkraai. H.E. Kuylman, 1935 + Sigarenfabriek vh Gebrs. Majoor Beverwijk. Ons Hoenderboek 1st vol. 1929 - and Pleines - Onze Duiven in woord en beeld. C.S. Th. van Gink and C.A.M. Spruijt, Vol. I; Album I-VI, ca. 1923. Spine and endpapers restored.

(total 6)

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