[China] Beschryvinge van het machtige Keyserreyk China,
behelsende d'overgroote Provincien, en menigvuldige Steden, Paleysen, Rivieren, Kanalen, Schepen, Wegen (...)Mitsgaders de groote Schatten en Rijkdommen die den Keyser van China besit, Louis le Comte, 2 vols. in one binding. Den Haag, Engelbregt Boucquet, 1698.
Small 4to, half leather, illus. frontispiece, (16),398,(9) p., 2 vols. in one binding. First ed. in Dutch, complete with 5 engravings, 2 of which folding and 1 folding chart, 1 print dam., title page rest. with minimal loss to text, half leather, spine with title in red and gilt stamping. Scarce.