[De Bruyn Schoolagenda 1947-1948] Folder with original designs,
containing dozens of drawings in various sizes for the contents and 7 binding designs, organised in small folders with detailed notes on the front for the printer, by the publisher Kantoorboekenfabriek L.C.C.C.M. De Bruyn, Roosendaal, together with a folder with several dozens of binding designs for later editions of the agenda, together in a cord-bound paperboard portfolio, folio.
The folder with bindings designs mentions that the agenda was intended for "Gymnasia & Lycea, R.K. Gymnasia & Lycea, H.B.S., R.K. H.B.S., Mulo and R.K. Mulo".
This folder provides an extraordinary insight into the production of a school agenda in the late '40s. Names of the artists involved appear only occasionally: several times the name Guus Rincker, once J. v. Vlierden and once a monogram W.J.R.