[Indonesia, Hotel des Indes Weltevreden] Handwritten letter from "H.M.",
to "Mijn schat", dated "Salatiga 1926", written on 7 leafs (recto and verso) stationery with printed letterhead of Hotel des Indes, Weltevreden, 28 x 22 cm. (first leaf sl. damaged).
From the text it appears that the writer, H.M., was a Dutch physician. Part of the text deals with a boat trip on the S.S. Rembrandt, leaving from Priok. The writer complains about the fact that the entire ship is covered in coal dust. In the letter there is also the matter of a "vendutie" on 10 June ("bij de Duyneveldts alles in rep en roer vanwege de vendutie") where the sale of a car is mentioned separately (yielding 415 guilders). Names mentioned include Annie Lebert and child, Omoes and Lucie Kiemeney and children, Annie and Leo van Duyneveldt (both suffer greatly from acne). From the text in the letter we were unable to trace who "H.M." was or could have been.
With: a menu of Hotel des Indes dated 15 May 1919 (with various unclear signatures in pencil) and with an unused postcard printed for the hotel.