
LOT 422
SOLD €75,00

Sammlung von Trachten bey verschiedenen ältern und neuern Völkern

Nach den Gemälden eines Holbein, Rubens, Vandyk, Hollar und einiger Andrer dargstellt und zum Gebrauch für Mahler, Zeichner un Schauspieler herausgegeben von F. H. Recueil des habillements anciens et modernes, de différentes nations (...). Leipzig, Industrie-Comptoir, n.d. (1805), 15 p. text in French and German, with 32 hand-coloured engraved plates, contemporary marbled paperboard, 4to.

Ex-library copy with numerous stamps (incl. on verso of each plate); text leafs slightly tanned, plates here and there soiled/stained. Backstrips partly missing and the edges of the boards are worn. Rare costume work. Copy with unidentified heraldic ex libris on inside front cover ("D. et C. 1805"). With: loose, incomplete series of 33 hand-coloured wood-engraved costume prints published by Franz Lipperheide, Berlin, ca. 1880.

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