[Indonesia] (Album) Tabaksonderneming Djelboek
Aangeboden aan mevrouw M.A. du Rij van Beest Holle - Kuyper. Soerabaja, samengesteld door G.C.T. van Dorp & Co, n.d. (ca. 1925), with one folding panorama photo (17 x 52 cm., torn on fold) and 26 photos of each 17 x 23.5 cm., original cord-bound flexible leather, oblong folio.
The title page (printed in gold) is signed in pen by 12 providers, all photos with an inscription printed in gold. Despite the publisher's address on the title page and on a label on the inside of the back cover, this is probably the only copy; we were unable to trace any other copies (the copy auctioned off earlier at Zwiggelaar is this copy).