[Photo album] Stelling van Amsterdam
Herinnerings album aan de mobilisatie van het Nederl. leger. Uitgegeven met toestemming van de betrokken Militaire Autoriteiten. [1916]. Rebound, partly retaining the original cover, oblong, half cloth with hard cased boards.
Album with mostly photos of Dutch soldiers. Advertisements placed here and there produce a clear image of the economic activities of the Netherlands of 1916.
Added: Amsterdam in Beeld, aangeboden door De Amsterdamsche Motorbootdienst, uitgave De Fakkel [ca. 1910-1920]. Sewn, oblong, cased with illus. cover, illus. title page by Van Geldorp, complete with 15 leafs with photos of Amsterdam city scenes and 18 leafs with advertisements in Art Nouveau style, of Amsterdam businesses, in very good condition.
(total 2)