Dringende oproep aan de Kringleden
Demonstreer mee op 19 april voor of tegen commerciële T.visie! Satyrische aankondigingsposter, 54 x 36.5 cm., no address or date (folded).
With: Bikkelacht no. 65. Olofspoort magazine. Published and compiled by Rogier Proper and Frits Boer. Amsterdam, n.d. (1967), 23,(1) p., with erotic illustrations after A. Beardsley and a comic "Wow het Gulden schot" by Theo van den Boogaard (margins frayed and foxed).
Bikkelacht was the magazine of the Olofspoort from 1965 to 1967. It was the successor to the Kaas & Brood magazine. See: http://www.olofspoort.nl/BikkelAcht/BikkelAcht-65.html.
And 17 various other works, partly concerning "De Kring", incl. an unidentified signed original drawing, several wedding announcements, several handwritten cards, a publication provided by Jan Vrijman (50 years of Cacao de Zaan) and various announcement flyers of exhibitions.