[Album Amicorum. Leiden] "Theelust 1797"
Album amicorum of the Leiden friend circle "Theelust", with introduction (2 p.) by J.C.V.D.K. [= J.C. van de Kasteele] signed by 9 members of the fellowship, with 23 written contributions in pen and ca. 80 unwritten pages, fine binding by the "Paupers Orphanage Bindery" (Leiden, 1787-1808) in contemporary gilt red morocco with title and year on front cover, all edges gilt, oblong 8vo (10 x 16.5 cm.).
For the binding see: Storm van Leeuwen, Dutch decorated bookbinding in the eighteenth century, vol. IIA, p. 382-387. Fine and exceptional album, in which the contributions suggest that the fellowship (probably students) "Theelust" must have been seated in Leiden. The members of the fellowship were W.R. Schultens, W.B. (Willem Boudewijn?) Donker Curtius [see also the next lot!], C. Vollenhoven, J.C. van de Kasteele, C.A.J. Wijckerheld Bisdom, G. (Gerrit?) Hollaer van Gote, J.H. Beelaerts, H. Wassenbergh and J. (Jacobus?) Douw Loke.
The introduction and all contributions sing the praises of tea: "O gij, die 't eerst de Thee van 't Indiaansche strand naar 't ander eind der aard, naar 't kiesche Nederland gevoerd hebt, dat uw schim steeds in ons midden waare en deze vriendenkring behoede voor gevaaren!" (first of 4 verses of the introduction). The introduction also contains a curse for people who despise tea. The contributions (in Dutch and French, partly dated Leiden 1798) are signed with the names De Wind, G.D. and N.G. Wijckerheld Bisdom, N.J.A.C. Hoffmann, J.K.H., J.F. van der Meersch, P.J. de Fremery, A. Jonckers, P. Verhagen Metman, H. Haakman (student of medicine who in his contribution placed tea above wine), C.A. Leemans, P. Pous, Jean berens de Wilde, C.G. Boers, J.F. Klinkhamer, Daniel Ratelband, J.G.G. Hegmann and J.G. Charlier.