[Emblemata] Gedichten van Jakob Zeeus. Met veele kopere Kunstplaten versierd
Second edition. Amsterdam, A. Schoonenburg, 1737, (32),552,(8) p., with engraved frontispiece, title vignette, portrait and 33 half-page emblematic engraved illustrations by F. Bleiswyck for the first volume ("Zinnebeelden"), furthermore with 7 engraved allegorical subtitles (also by Bleiswyck) and 4 letterpress subtitles for the other volumes, contemporary half leather, gilt, ribbed back with morocco title shield, 4to.
Several pages at the beginning and in the Zinnebeelden volume partly stained in outer corner; elsewhere here and there trifle stained; frontisp. sl. dam. in blank outer margin. Spine ends, hinges and outer corners worn. Nevertheless a good, uncut copy.
Richly illustrated collected edition of the poems of the young Zevenbergen poet Jakob Zeeus (1686-1718) [Van der Aa incorrectly mentions birth year 1636]. The first edition appeared in Delft, 1721. Besides the Zinnebeelden, it also contains the volumes Herderszangen, Bruiloft-dichten, Lyk- en Grafdichten, Lof-dichten, Klink-dichten, Mengel-dichten enz. and another 4 volumes, all with finely engraved titles.