[Dogs] Le Chien de Chasse
Description des différentes races de chiens contenant des renseignements complets sur les particularités qui distinquent chacune d'elles. Éducation et dressage soins a donner dans toutes le maladies par. H. Robinson. [Bound with:] Conseils aux chasseurs sur le tir les armes, munitions et ustensils du chasseur, la chasse en plaine (...) par H. Robinson. Paris etc., A. Goin etc., 1860, 2 works in one binding, 296; 219 p., with 5/ 3 lithographed/ woodcut plates, contemporary half leather with gilt, ribbed back (here and there foxed, spine whitened).
With: Alfred de Sauvenière. Les courses de lévriers. Le Coursing - Greyhounds et Fox-Terriers. Paris, J. Rothschild, 1899, XIII,(1),351,(1) p., with 24 plates incl. 5 original etchings and numerous illustrations in the text, modern cloth using the original printed cover and backstrip, large 8vo.
Here and there slightly stained, the etchings foxed (several also waterstained); final leaf lacks a corner. Carefully restored copy with owner's name J. Berghmans on the title and his ex libris on first blank. And with 1 more.
(total 4 in 3 bindings)