[Cities of Aachen and Cleves]
Beschryving van de (..) stad Aken, misgaders van alle desselfs fonteinen en minerale wateren en baden, so in, als om deselve stad gelegen. [Franciscus Blondel]. Leiden, Joh. du Vivier, 1727. Small 4to, half leather, title on spine in red and gilt stamping. Allegorical frontispiece, (20),223 pp., complete with 18 mostly folding copperplates and 4 engravings in the text.
Bound with: De stad Kleef, haar gezondheidsbron en omleggende landsdouwen. Pieter Langendyk, Haarlem. Jan Bosch, 1747. Title leaf with large vignette, 63,(2) pp. + bookmark and complete with 10 folding copperplates by H. Spilman after prints by J. de Beyer. Very good.