[Literary theory] Theorie der schoone kunsten en wetenschappen
F.J. Riedel, en met bijvoegselen, aanteekeningen en eene inleiding vermeerderd door Mr. Hieronijmus van Alphen. [2 volumes] Utregt. C.T. van Paddenburg et al. 1778.
Half leather, uniformly bound, title on spine in green, red and gilt stamping, XCIV,384 and LXIV,311,(3) pp. 2x ex libris, boards scratched and with traces of use.
The Theorie is actually a translation made by Van Alphen of Theorie der schönen Künste und Wissenschaften by the German theorist F.J. Riedel. The literary-theoretical interest of Van Alphen is focused on the 'Inleiding' he wrote for it. The literary-theoretical work by Van Alphen has special value. Before the Theorie was published, other Dutch authors had written on literary subjects, but Van Alphen was the first to attempt to establish an all-encompassing system. According to Buijnsters, however, he lacked the synthetic ability to join all the elements of his theory.
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