[1813] Nationaal Gedenkboek der Hernieuwde Nederlandsche Unie van den Jaere MDCCCXIII
J. Konijnenburg. The Hague. Johannes Allart. 1816 & 1817. 2 volumes in one binding; illustrated paper cover, title with vignette by Van Bree and Van der Meulen, as is the end vignette, 672,(4),77,(2) pp., 3 portraits by Van der Meulen, Pieneman, W. van Senus and H. Langerveld, further 12 full-page engravings by Pieneman and Vinkeles.
Combined with: Mémoire Historique sur la restauration des Pays-Bas en 1813. Auguste Joos, (transl. J.H. vander Palm). Bruges. 1828, small 8vo, half leather, spine with title in gilt stamping. First quire tender, 134 pp. Good.
And with: Frederici Wilhelmi Pestel. Commentarii de Republica Batava. Leiden. Luzac & Van Damme, 1782, cased binding with paper back, partly uncut.
(total 3)