Le grand dictionaire François-Flamen
Augmentee en ceste derniere edition d'une infinite de Vocables, Dictions & Sentences Den Schat der Duytscher Tale van nieus vermeerdert, verciert ende verrijckt. Rotterdam. Jan van Waesberghe. 1624.
Small 4to, vellum, first title in copperplate with allegorical scene, a reading room and portraits of 6 publishers of dictionaries; the second title with illustrated embroidery in woodcut, more than 600 unnumbered pages. Sticker with number on spine, binding with traces of use, interior very good.
With: Dictionnaire des termes de Marine Francais. Woordenboek der Fransche zee-termen. Hendrik Willem Lantsheer. Amsterdam. Pieter den Hengst en Zoon. 1811.
(total 2)