Tom Posch (1937-2012). "U.S.A. I" & "U.S.A. III"
Two (of 3) albums, early '50s, with 44 and 39 leaves of lineated paper, with descriptive texts on American cities, natural reserves, American involvement during the Second World War, the Korea War etc., with many pasted original press photos, in album III also 9 separate press photos in envelope on inside back cover ("Amerika en Tweede Wereldoorlog"), besides reproductions and cut-out illustrations in the album used as vignettes, in the back of vol. III a bibliography and ToC of the three volumes, uniform half cloth, folio.
Lacks album no. 2. On the inside of both front covers: "Tom Posch IIb A. Lyc." Thus one suspects Posch made the album while a secondary school student. Album III contains a postpaid envelope sent from the US to "Mr. Tom Posch Red. Binnenl. Algemeen Handelsblad", stamped in 1950, when Posch was ca. 13 years old. The link with the newspaper (his father was probably editor J.C. Posch) explains the high quality of the photos in the album. In the back of the album a pasted letter signed by the American vice-consul, dated 1951, in which Posch's request for a signature of the American president is rejected. For more information on Tom Posch, see: