[Henk Meijer] Pornography
De Trein naar Haarlem. Edition of 10 copies, no. 7. Alex Anders, 1972. Dedication to the wife of the director of the Dutch railways and all other women feeling bored on the train. 15 pp. + "Yvon". Memoires aan een meesteres, Anoniem, 1970 + De Venus in leer + Het geheime dagboek van Linda + Serie: Rapporten van het R.I.S.O.P. een sociaal-psychologische studie in samenleving. Het vierdubbele leven van Fred Ubbo Veenstra. Published by the Ministerie van Liefde, The Hague 1977. Illustrated with 17 drawings of and by the author - and 9 more.
Limited edition pornographic stories by Henk Meijer, published under pseudonym. These were typed and provided with drawings by himself and then appeared in editions of 10-20 stenciled copies. These copies are from his archive.
*Meier was the founder of such publications as Ratio literary magazine and porn mag Chick; he was an editor, publisher, journalist and involved with the Provo movement and D66 from the start.
(total 13)