[Hebraica] Antonii Hulsii beinat ha-zer seu Compendium Lexici Hebraici
Compendium Biblico Leusdano subjectum Continens Sub 1900. Radicibus Hebraeis. Editio Quarta. Utrecht, Gulielmum à Walcheren, 1679, 60 p., contemporary calf, 12mo.
Free endpaper nearly loose; spine foot dam. Extensive treatise on the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet from Alef to Taw. See extensively on the philologist and theologist Antonius Hulsius (1615-1685): https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antonius_Hulsius.
Bound together with: Compendium Biblicum Continens Ex 23202. versiculis totius veteris testamenti (...) auctore Johanne Leusden. Editio secunda. Utrecht, Meinardum à Dreunen & Franciscus Halma, 1680, (6),179,(1) leaves bound from back to front, opposing text in Hebrew and Latin.
Johann Leusden (1624-1699) was a Dutch Calvinist theologist and orientalist, professor of Hebrew at Utrecht and one of the most prominent bible scholars of his age. He wrotes various treatises on the Hebrew philology. Both titles with contemporary manuscript owner's mark of Sancti Andreae in Nemore.