[Dutch SS etc.] Collection of ca. 100 original documents,
nearly all concerning the deployment of Dutchmen for Germany during the Second World War, mostly stenciled or typed (duplicates and carbon copies) on A4-size, all carefully preserved in plastic files.
Large and diverse collection. Incl.: 1. Identity card of Rubens Visser Roebij for the Landwacht Nederland, stamped and signed by Hoofdstormbaanleider A.J. Hartman; 2. Five documents concerning the Stafleiding Nederlandsche SS, signed by SS-Opperstormleider and Stafchef J.L. Jansonius; 3. An unused enlistment form for voluntary service with the Waffen-SS and an unused enlistment form for the Nederlandsche SS with attached an explanation of that organisation; 4. An unused confirmation of receipt for the Wehrmachtkommandantur Haarlem, with indication of 14 pieces of equipment such as uniform parts, cartridge bag, gas mask, etc.; 5. A series of (signed and partly confidential) documents conc. the (founding of) SS Freiwilligen-Panzergrenadier-Brigade Nederland, incl. information on (desired) numbers, compositions, subdivisions and local deployment (map), incl. a duplicate of the founding letter; 6. "Ook voor Jou...! Nederlandsche jongen van 16-18 jaar!", a propaganda brochure with attendace strip for a "Weersportkamp" addressed to "beste Willem" and signed with [in print]: "Een stevige poot van je vriend Henk"; 7. Several documents conc. the "Langemarck-Studium" (The Hague, 1944); 8. "Wat wil de SS." Poster with announcement of public meetings in various cities (May 1941); 9. "Nederlandsche-Germaansche SS. De Germaanse SS als organisatie en hare doelstellingen." Stenciled treatise, 9 one-sided printed leaves, in wrapper (staples removed); 10. Documents concerning Obersturmbannführer Franz Riedweg; 11. A short note on stationery of Rost van Tonningen and on his behalf by his secretary F.L. Rambonnet (The Hague, 4 October 1940).