[Atlas] Schauplatz der fünf Theile der Welt,
Mit bestaendiger Rücksicht auf die besten Originalwerke in drey Theile zusammengetragen von einer Gesellschaft Geografen. Nach und zu Büschings grosser Erdbeschreibung Herausgegeben von F.I.I. von Reilly. Erster Theil. Enthält, 1 Ungarn und das Osmannische Reich in Europa, 2 Polen und Preussen, 3 das russische Reich in Europa, 4 Schweden, Dänemark und Norwegen, Island und Grönland, 5 Grossbrittannien und Irrland. Gestochen von Ignaz Albrecht. Vienna, 1791, (2) letterpress text pages, else entirely engraved: frontispiece for the entire work, title of part 1, three plates with coats of arms, a world map, a map of Europe (of 2) and 90 (of 91) numbered maps, all maps hand-coloured and/or with coloured outlines, contemporary half leather, oblong folio.
Lacks "Zweyte Einleitungskarte", map 64 and the front board of the binding; frontispiece slightly stained. Else content-wise in very good condition. Atlantes Austriaci I/1, Rei A (1789-1806), p. 84-86 (included in copy).
Bound with: Zweyter Theil (...). Vienna, 1791, (2) letterpress text pages, with engraved title, overview map, 13 (of at least 15) plates with coats of arms and 12 (of 116) maps in colour and/or coloured outlines. Overview map and the 13 plates with coats of arms are bound in the first part, lacks plates with arms numbered 4 and 6. Contains the maps numbered 93, 130, 169-178 (Belgium and Luxembourg, 177 folding, 178 loose). Atlantes Austriaci I/1 Rei A (1789-1806), p. 86-89 (included in copy).