[Botany and pharmacopoeias] Pharmacopoea Harlemensis interleaved with manuscript,
(Pharmacopoea Harlemensis Galeno-chemica, senatus auctoritate munita. Haarlem, 1741), (2),49-256 p. letterpress text with a 4to leaf bound inbetween all printed 8vo leaves, these leaves mostly with contemporary annotations in pen and ink (also regular annotations on the printed leaves), bound in modern cloth, small 4to size.
The printed text lacks the title page and furthermore also incomplete. Moreover, the copy is heavily stained, oft-used and frayed at the end. A "work copy" in the good sense.
Digitised copies of both the 1741 and the 1790 editions are available online, however, the bookblocks of those editions are identical. The copy here, we think, is from the 1741 edition, due to the half title and dating in manuscript at the end. There is also a 1761 edition, which we could not inspect. The importance of this copy lies in the extensive annotations, by the original owner, unmistakably a Haarlem pharmacist considering names and addresses of patients at the end. The work is partly a Dutch translation of the Latin, facing text, but there are also inscriptions which seem to indicate the location of ingredients in the pharmacy, besides recipes, preparations, warnings and calculations. A few examples: "De winkelpot vol eerst zagjes tot koken gebragt en goet (?) doet erbij oncen wijncor (?) en als 't kookt afzetten." Or: "Op 1 ons Flor Tunicei 4 oncen water inde ordinaire stroop kan getrokken 24 uuren." Or: "Men moet in agt nemen dat men inde solutien vande potasch de cremortart niet te schielijk inwerpt nadien t anders door de opbruijsing ligtelijk uijt de pan zou vliegen." Possibly the most interesting quality, however, are the actual prescribed medications with recipes found at the end. These are partly precisely dated (from "22 Nber 1767" to "4 Maij 1786"). Some examples: "Ordinair laxeerpoeder van Jansje Kaakebeen opt hofje van Staats", "Ordinair Linimentum om te vrijven voor Juffr. Brandhoff 8 Jan. 1783", "Ordinair Collyxium van J.L. Augustini van 4 mei 1786". More patient names: J.L. Augustini, de Heeren Crommelin en Gerlings, Mevrouw van Zoetermeer, M.J.A. Gallas, De vrouw van Reynier de Vos, Juffr. C. van Sijpesteijn, Wm. Blenzen, H.J. de Lange en Cambier en Crommelin "tusschen de bruggen", D.N.E. Mentrop, G.P. Hondius, H. Polman, Jan de Launier, Aletta Baart and J.F. Rigail.