Duyfkens en Willemynkens Pelgrimagie.
Tot haren Beminden, binnen Jerusalem. Boetius a Bolswert. Amsterdam. Erven vande Putte. N.d. 16mo, vellum wrapper, illustrated frontispiece with title (damaged and in copy, A4, added separately), 230,(10) pp., complete with 27 woodcuts, shabby vellum wrapper, torn. Woodcuts in powerful printing. Scarce.
Late 18th-century edition (Ruys 102, XVII, Waller 299; according to Muller 589, this edition is from 1735) of a popular 17th-century moralistic chapbook on the adventures of two sisters, frivolous Duyfken and pious Willemynken, undertaking an imaginary pilgrimage to Jerusalem.