[Deluxe copy with original graphics by Chagall, Ensor etc.] La Revue d'Art.
(Nouvelle série de "l'Art Flamand er Hollandais"). Revue mensuelle illustrée des arts plastiques et décoratifs. Rédaction: A.J.J. Delen (...), Charles Bernard et Paul Rolland. 25e année. Tome trente. Janvier-juin 1929. Antwerp, F. Burton, (4),226,(1) p., one of 100 numbered copies on "Arches" in name of the subscriber (this copy unnumbered and without the subscriber's name), with the following ORIGINAL GRAPHICS not included in the list of illustrations: 1 etching by MARC CHAGALL ("the acrobat"), 1 etching by JAMES ENSOR ("Squelettes voulant se se chauffer"), 1 lithograph by OSSIP ZADKINE, 1 lithograph by GUSTAVE VAN DE WOESTYNE, 2 woodcuts by JAN BOON and 4 woodcuts by HANS ORLOWSKI (all also on "Arches"), furthermore with numerous plates incl. 8 woodcuts by Boon on 2 leaves and 3 woodcuts by Orlowski on 1 leaf, original half cloth, 4to.
The original prints by Ensor, Chagall and Zadkine, as well as several other leaves are loose or tender (as a result the Zadkine-litho with a small tanned edge), protective layer lacking with the Chagall, the Van de Woestyne and one Orlowski. Endpapers tanned, cloth with light wear.
Very rare deluxe copy, of which we could not trace another copy. The etching by Chagall has a printed signature and depicts a clown with violin holding a flower bouquet in front of his face.