Lot with 7 picture books, incl. 4 published during WWII and one movable.
Incl.: (1) Kinderland. Een prentenboek om op te zetten. [On final plate:] Samenstelling en illustraties: Carré en ter Braake, Rotterdam N. (Hillegersberg). Rotterdam, Wyt, n.d. (ca. 1943), 8 text pages printed on one side and 8 coloured plates with 5-9 illustrations which can be fixed upright with a cardboard support, original half cloth, oblong folio.
Here and there tanned by boards and by the cardboard supports; lacks one cat tail and one support, but considering the fragility a very good copy. Contains for example a Sinterklaas story; (2) Pieterbaas en Janneman 't Ongezeggelijk broederspan. [Text by Karl Pintschovius and illustrations E. Schlemo]. Amsterdam, J. Vlieger, n.d. (1920), (26) p., with coloured illustrations on verso and tinted illustrations on recto, original half cloth, 4to. Cf. Rühle, Böse Kinder, no. 1718 d. Translation of "Willibald und Waldemar, das missratene Brüderpaar", a "buschiade", based on Max & Moritz (paging as in the only copy in PiCarta, which means it is not supposed to have a title page) (bookblock and various pages loose). And with another 5 works (total 7).